

LTHOUGH the little Robinson Red wing—which is now known simply

as the Redwing—is, comparatively speaking, a newcomer among light ‘planes, the go-ahead policy of its manufacturers, The Redwing Aircraft Co., of Stafford Road, Croydon, has resulted in its coming very ninth to the fore during the past few months.

In spite of the difficult conditions which have prevailed in trade and business generally, sales of this machine have been steadily increasing, and Redwings already form part of the equipment of some of newer flying clubs, including the Wiltshire Light Aeroplane Club, the Eastern Comities Aeroplane Club, the L.G.O.C. Club, and the Scarborough Flying Club. And there are now several private-owners of this make, as well. The Redwing concern have lately put into operation a very sound sales-and,Service organisation with representatives in different parts of the country. The sales manager, Flight-Lieutenant Russell is now stationed at Blue Barns Aerodrome, near Colchester, and using this place as a centre, he will deal with all sales, demonstrations, etc., in the area north of London. In the Southern area the Redwing repre

sentative will be Mr. Payne who will be stationed at High Post Aerodrome, Salisbury, and the London area will be .Served by the Company’s head office and works at Croydon, with Mr. Pike in charge.

These service depots will be equipped and organised so that Redwing owners will be able to obtain spares or the services of mechanics at very short notice, and when at all possible, these will be sent by ‘plane. Should weather conditions prevent flying, mechanics with the Spares required will journey to the owner by motor Ode. An important feature of this servicing scheme is that the facilities vill be available at night as well as in the daytime.


AFTER nearly seven months of strenuous work the ” air circus ” which was organised by Captain C. D. Barnard closed down last month at the conclusion of the summer season. During its tour of England this enterprise visited no less than 112 aerodromes and towns, and altogether 20,000 miles were flown. Of the 195 days available, the circus functioned on 164, bad weather

preventing flying on the remaining days.

Barnard used the famous Bristol-engined Fokker, “The Spider,” and during the tour he carried 43,000 passengers on joy-flights; in addition to the Fokker seven other machines were used, while the services of Mr. Brie were also acquired to demonstrate the Cierva Autogiro. Captain Bamard’s verture has been thoroughly successful.


AS a result of representations made by The Automobile Association through the Greek Automobile and Touring Club, the Greek Government has agreed that pilots and their passengers may use cameras whilst flying over Greek territory.

Greece and Great Britain are the only European countries which allow photography from the air, without a special permit, except over a forbidden area.

In the past few months the Greek Government has done a great deal by removing restrictions on flying to make that country one of the pleasantest and easiest to visit by air.