A Veterans' Event


A Veterans’ Event.

ON the 15th of this month the popular and amusing London to Brighton run for ancient motor vehicles will take place and from the entry list it seems likely that this event will be even better supported than on previous occasions.

At the time of writing nearly twenty cars have been entered, and it is expected that there will be some .additional participants on the day of the run. The event, which is limited to cars built prior to 1905, always causes great interest ; the start will be from Moon’s Super Service Garage, Buckingham. Palace Road, and the first veteran is scheduled. to start at 9 a.m.

IL The route will be over Westminster Bridge and through Brixton to the Croydon by-pass, and then on through Redhill, Reigate, Crawley and Bolney to the finish at the Brighton Aquarium Garage.

Veteran Cars, Ltd., the new concern which specialises in really old machines, are now busy tuning up several old stagers for this annual jaunt.

British Cars in Australia.

AN arrangement that may have far reaching effects on the British motor industry has been completed between Colonel Searle, managing director of the Rover CO., and Mr. W. H. Cam

eron, managing director of Williams, Hill & Cameron of Sydney.

Under the scheme formulate(‘ , certain units of Rover cars will be shipped to one centre in Australia wn?re they will be assembled together with otner units manufactured in Aastralia, sucn s bodies, springs, saock-absorbers, bonnets, wings, tyres, etc. This will be the first effort of its kind to reverse the percertage of car sales in Australia. at present in favour of America, to the extent of 85 per cent.

Aecording to Mr. Cameron, the AustraHan public generally realise that in the past, trade has been wrongly distributed, and that there is now definitely a growing preference for the British car.