


liontlhery Challenge Trophy.

IN recognition of the brilliant performance of Mrs. G. M. Stewart, the authorities at Montlhery have awarded their annual Challenge Trophy to Mr. J. D. Hawkes, the owner of the car in which Mrs. Stewart has broken no fewer than four world’s records during the past 12 months.

Driving Mr. Hawkes’s Derby Miller Special (which was lubricated throughout with Wakefield Castrol oil), Mrs. Stewart in December established a new world’s record for 10 miles at 137.21 m.p.h. In the same car she has three times broken the record for 100 kilometres which now stands at 128.16 m.p.h.

In attaining a speed of just under 140 m.p.h. for 5 kilometres, Mrs. Stewart has, of course, secured the fastest record ever made at 1VIontlhery, and during the past year she has broken no fewer than 14 records at speeds in excess of 200 kilometres an hour.

The 500-Miles Race—And Alter.

THE results of the 500 miles race might be thought by some to prove that modern racing cars are unreliable, for only seven finished out of forty-three starters. Yet as often as not more is learned by failure than by success.

The race is the only one of the year which is a test of speed pure and simple, and in. view of its length and, the rough nature of Brooklands track, faults which would otherwise only become apparent after years of hard usage are revealed.

It is not too much to say, for instance, that the Riley designers learned more from the race than from any other this year, although, in fact b. cause, their cars did not win. They recently succeeded in raising the power output of the Brookands 1,089 c.c. engine to the remarkable figure of 70 b.h.p. unsupercharged. This enabled C. R.. Whitcroft to lap consistently at 104 m.p.h. so that by half distance he had a comfortable lead over the ultimate winner. In fact had Whitcroft averaged 99.6 m.p.h., he would have won the race.

As it was, the clutch proved inadequate for the terrific power of the engine, not only on Whitcroft’s but on two of the other Rileys. The 500 miles race enabled the designers to locate the weak spot— weak in view of the unprecedented power output. Knowledge gained in this way is passed on to the public in cats with increased performance and at the same time a greater margin of reliability.

Fastest Air-Mail. AIR-COMMODORE Kingsford-Smith, • although delayed in his recent flight can claim to have established a

• record for letter delivery from Australia to England. When they heard of his proposed flight, the Triumph distributors in Sydney entrusted him with an urgent letter to the manufacturers in Coventry. KingsfordSmith promised to try to get it through in seven days ; he failed in this, of course,

but was nevertheless able to d,eliver it to Col. Holbrook, of the Triumph Co., in a fortnight—weeks earlier than it would have arrived by ordinary air mail.

M.G. “Branch Shows.”

DITRING the period of the Show, M.G. was one of the few firms who had, miniature one-make branch “Olympias” dotted all over London. At 1 and 4, Brick Street, just off Park Lane, at 83, Piccadilly and 46, Knightsbridge, they had the same range of models as they were showing at Olympia—the Midget, the new 12/55 6-cylinder Magna, and the Mark II speed model.

The M.G. people were also running demonstrations from their depot in Milner Street, Chelsea.

New Wheel Fitting. ONE of the numerous novelties seem at Olympia last month, was the new Snapspokes at the Pressed Steel Company’s stand. Snapspokes are “

jackets” of stainless and rustless steel which fit over the existing spokes, making them permanently bright. They are a real engineering job and fit perfectly without rattle or noise. Brushing, washing and hosing will not dislodge the spokes.

It is claimed. by the makers that, not only do they add to the appearance of the car but, they actually save time and trouble in cleaning ; the cost is 35/for five complete wheels.

100 Points of a Car.

T. select the ten most important points of the car and to place them in the right order is the essence of a competition in which one of the new four-door Wolseley Hornets is the first prize.

For the benefit of competitors, Wolseley Motors Ltd. have produced a folder enumerating a hundred, Hornet points. Sir Malcolm Campbell has studied them and, in conjunction with the manufacturers, has prepared a list which has been deposited in the Bank. The nearest forecast to this list will be awarded a four-door Hornet saloon.

At first sight the difficulties of selecting the correct ten—apart from putting them in the right order—might appear almost insuperable, but tiough each of the points is very real and, definite, some are naturally more important than others. Outstanding features, for instance, are the high power-to-weight ratio, the silent third four-speed gear-box, the ” supersize ” body, the hydraulic brakes and so on.

Unlike sonic competitions, this one is open not only to owners of the make, but to all motorists in possession of a driving licence. Particulars may be obtained from the manufacturers, at Birmingham, or from any dealer.

The Austin Seven Sports Model.

IN detailing the programme of the Austin Motor Co., for 1932, last month we stated that the popular special sports ” 7,” which was introduced last season, would be no longer marketed.

This statement was made owing to the fact that this particular car was not represented in the list sent us by the manufacturers. Our assumption, however, was incorxect and readers will be glad to learn that the type will be marketed as before, both in touring and racing form, and with or without supercharger. The specification has undergone no change with the exception of an improvement in the cooling capacity and the choice of an alternative type of cylinder-head, and. the prices are :—Unsupercharged .i.185, supercharged £225.

A Champion Gathering.

EARLY last month, at the invitation of the Champion Sparking Plug Company, a large number of members of the automobile industry and kindred trades, together with a group of racing men attended a luncheon held at Claridge’s Hotel, Paris.

The function was held primarily to celebrate the year’s successful racing season, and it was remarkable for the fact that the guests came from all over the world. So cosmopolitan was the gathering that speeches were delivered in a number of different languages, which included English, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese.

A novel touch was the singing in French of the Champion Company’s anthem,” and during the proceedings the guests were entertained by well-known artists from the Comedic Francaise.

The proceedings were presided over by Mr. Lydy, the European managing director of the Champion concern.

? ? ? THE following is a selection from many thousands of peculiar requests for information received and answered by the Automobile Association, during

the recent touring season.

1. What is the mean average temperature during the month of August at Biarritz ?

2. What is the strength of the current of the Rhine at Godesburg ?

3. Is Rugby played at Heidelberg ?

4. Are passports necessary for a visit to Scotland ?

5. What clothes must I wear for touring in Spain during the month of August, and are woollens necessary?

6. My dog has’ ` Blank ‘ biscuits. Are these obtainable in Prance?

7. At what time does the sun sett in South-Western Germany, Southern France and Southern Spain during the last week in September and the first in October ?

8. What is the cost of running a car from London to India ?

9. Should I wear a sun helmet in the Canary Isles ?

10. What is the best powder to take with me to deal with verminI in the Balkan States ?

11. From what seaside town in France did William the Conqueror set out.?