

c. C. WAKEFIELD & CO. have produced an attractive little booklet entitled “Achievements of 1931 ” which tells of the achievements of British drivers and pilots, and of British enterprise during the year.

Greatest among our achievements on land, of course, is Sir Malcolm Campbell’s world’s speed record of 246 m.p.h., which he secured in the” Bluebird” at Daytona last February.

Many sucesses have been gained by G. E. T. Eyston in this year’s baby “war.” He was the first to exceed 100 m.p.h. in a car of under 750 c.c.—an. M.G. Midget ; and lately, again in a Midget, he averaged over 100 m.p.h. for a whole hour, one of the most difficult feats yet performed in a car of this type. No woman has ever yet exceeded the speed of 140 m.p.h. attained by Mrs. G. M. Stewart in a record-breaking run at

MontIhry early in the year. Mrs. Stewart, incidentally, is the only woman driver to hold a world’s record. She holds two and during the year has twice bettered her own record for 100 kilometres.

Every race in the Isle of Man T.T. was won at record speeds by British riders on British machines. In addition, they have been almost invariably successful in the four Continental classics.

In the air no record has been so frequently attacked as that for the flight from Australia to England. It has been broken twice, by C. W. A. Scott in May and a month or two later by J. A. Mollison ; whilst the former still holds the record for the flight from England to Australia. In ” Achievements of 1931 ” are described the successes on land, in the air and on water in which Wakefield Castrol oil has played a part. It is attractively illustrated with photos of the drivers and

of their machines and can be obtained from their head office in Cheapside, London, E.C.2.


AVERY important step forward in the proposed international road from London to Stamboul with simplified customs formalities between London and the Near East, was taken in London last month. Twenty delegates from the Alliance Internationale de Tourisme, representing five million members, were theguests of The Automobile Association to discuss this new project and generally to devise ways of simplifying customs documents for motorists.

When the scheme has been completed there will be a great new arterial road. starting at London and ending at Stamboul and such formalities as are necessary at each frontier will be reduced to aa absolute minimum.