Club News, November 1931




ON Friday next, 6th November, the Light Car Club will hold their annual dinner and dance at the Park Lane Hotel, London.

The President of the Club, the Earl of March, will be in the chair, and Lady March will present the M.G. Trophy. The Chairman will be supported also by Sir Malcolm Campbell, Professor A. M. Low and Mr. H. F. S. Morgan.

The occasion, it is hoped, will mark the re-union of the teams who took part in the recent Relay Grand Prix, and separate tables, identified with the team numbers carried in the race, will be reserved. Tickets for this function are available at 15s. and may be obtained upon application to Mr. John Yule, ” Kirkney,” High Road, Whetstone, N.20.

BERKHAMSTED AND DISTRICT CLUB. There were over eighty entries for the speed trials which the Club held in the grounds of the Aston Clinton Country Club some time ago, and all the events were run off successfully. There were classes for both cars and motor cycles, and the fastest times for each type of vehicle were made by H. Blaw on a

Frazer-Nash and J H. Fell on a 494 c.c. Douglas.

Sunday, the 1st of this month is the date of a solo motor cycle scramble, the course being over a 1 i-mile circuit at Radnor Farms Chesham, Bucks.

JUNIOR CAR CLUB. The following is the list of results of the recent Lynton Trial which was held by the South-West Centre of the J .C.C. :—

Perrius Trophy : A. Negal (Morris Major). G.P.S. Trophy : G. Knight (Austin 7).

First-class Awards : C. P. Lambert (Austin l2-6), 0. Bottacchi (Ceirano), W J. Haward. (Bayliss-Thomas), R. C. Player (Riley), R. Morley (A. C.) .

Second-class Awards : H. P. A. Peaty (Frazer-Nash), A. C. Fairtlou,gh (Austin 7).

Bronze Plaques : J. A. Andrews (0.M.), Mrs. Jardine (Morris-Oxford), J. Robbins (Ford).

MID-BUCKS M.C.C. The following are the results of the open rally recently held at Aylesbury, together with marks lost :— Beaumont Cup : S. W. B. Hailwood

(M.G. Midget), 4 marks ; Gargini Cup: Mrs. E. R. Riley (Singer 10), 5 marks Murray Cup : J. C. Riley (Hillman), 6 marks ; Kesley Cup : C. A. Elliott (Singer 8), 7 marks ; Bowyer Cup : G. H. Walton (Ainil car), 8 marks ; Eborn. Cup : N. C. White (Morris Cowley), 8 marks ; Clarke. Cup : Major D. E. M. Douglas-Morris (Wolseley Hornet), 8 marks ; Hai es Cup : F. J. Hall (Morris-Cowley), 9′ marks ; Richings Cup : Miss B. Bates (Austin 12), 9 marks.


The annual ” open-to-Centre ” Guy Fawkes Trial will be held on November 8th. The course will be about 70 miles. in length and will include no secret checks. Intending entrants should communicate at once with Mr. W. E. Todd, 39, Holtwhites Hill, Enfield, Middlesex. The Editor invites Club Secretaries to send details of their fixtures, sporting and social, for pub! cation in

these columns. These items should be sent to reach this office not later than the 16th of the month.