

pE3V popular-priced cars have gained so much popularity in so short a *. space of time as the Wolseley ” Hornet,” and while its manufacturers introduced it primarily as a touring vehicle its liveliness and road-holding qualities have led a number of enterprising bodybuilders and firms specialising in highefficiency tuning, to use the ” Hornet” chassis as a basis in the production of special sports models. Now, with the incorporation of a num

ber of refinements and improvements which are to be found in the standard 1932 ” Hornet ” (which include a fourspeed gearbox with silent third) these specials will appeal even more to the sporting motorist.

A particularly attractive “Hornet ” model is that turned out by Jensen Motors of High Street, West Bromwich. Wellproportioned and clean in outline, the body is extremely well made and panelled throughout with aluminium.

A road-racing single-piece windscreen, which may be folded down on the scuttle if required, and a tandem electric wiper is part of the standard equipment. The driving position is excellent, and comfort and convenience is added to by the fact that Messrs. Jensen Motors have increased the rake of the steering column and fitted a Bluemel spring-spoked steering wheel. The arlangement of the exhaust system has been modified to give a pleasing but s-Abdued note, and the whole car is a very dapper little job. Normally the Jensen ” Hornet ” will be marketed with a standard engine at about £220, but when required, a super-tuned power unit will be obtainable at slightly increased charge. In the latter case, the special boosting work wil be carried out by M. A. McEvoy.

Another ” Hornet” Special which attracted a great deal of attention at Olympia last month was the Arrow 2-4 seater sports type which was exhibited on the stand of A. P. Compton and Co., Ltd. This firm, whose address is, Arrow Coachworks, Boston Road, Haswell, W.7., have been engaged for several years in the design and building of racing bodies, and the experience they have thus acquired has been utilised in the manufacture of their standard production jobs. In addition to their ” Hornet” model (which is priced at 2232 10s.), Messrs. Compton also turn out special forms of Austin Sevens, Morris Minors, and standards.