

WHEN it became known that Wing-Commander Kingsford-Smith intended to fly back to Australia it was generally anticipated that he would set up a new record for this journey which has been attempted several times in the last year or so. But few people ixpected him to cover the arduous route in the amazing time of 10/ days.

Kingsford-Smith took off with his Avro ” Avian ” (Gipsy II) from Heston aerodrome on October 9th and his progress thereafter was as follows :-1st day, Rome (1,000 miles), 2nd day, Athens (700 miles), 3rd day, Aleppo (1,100 miles), 4th day’s, Bushire (950 miles), 5th days, Karachi (1,050 miles), 6th day, Allahabad (950 miles), 7th day, Rangoon (1,100 miles), 8th day, Singapore (1,200 miles), 9th day, Sourabaya (1,000 miles), 10th day, Atamboea (900 miles), 11th day, Darwin (500 miles).

The achievement of thus averaging about 1,000 miles a day, becomes all the more remarkable when it is realised that it was done single-handed, and with a light Plane. Only a pilot with Kingsford-Smith’s navigating and piloting skill and endurance could have done it, yet it appears that he himself does not consider it as anything out of the ordinary ; perhaps this is not altogether surprising with a man who has already flown from America, across the Pacific to Australia, from Australia to New Zealand, from Australia to Europe, from Ireland to America, and made a record-breaking trans-American flight.

Congratulations have showered .on him from all parts of the world, and rightly he deserves them.


In applauding Kingsford-Smith’s flight, it would be unfair to overlook the splendid effort of Flight-Lieutenant C. W. Hill who, but for a stroke of really bad luck, on the last stage of his journey, would have set up a new record for the same trip. Hill, like Kingsford-Smith, is an Australian, and a war-time pilot, and he set out with his” Moth “with the full intention of getting to Australia quicker than anybody had done previously. He did amazingly well, and by flying at night he reached Atamboea in 14 days. Unfortunately, when leaving the aerodrome there, his machine refused to “unstick,” and Hill hit a fence and the ” Moth” sustained a considerable amount of damage.


WE are asked to point out to private owner members of the Cinque Ports Club that the facilities for free housing and landing at 1,ympne only operate during such time as the club is officially open, i.e., between the hours of 10 a.m. and sunset. Private owners landing their aircraft at Lympne at other times, must house their aircraft in the Government hangar, and pay the Air Ministry’s fee.

It has been arranged, that for the benefit of private owners, a club employee shall be on duty between 10 a.m. and sunset on the club’s weekly off day, but of course, the club room and bar will be shut, and no flying may take place on club aircraft.