Motor Sport Classified Advertisement Section



Telephone: Regent 1937.

Gerrard 3436.

Telegrams Agreynol, Piccy, London.

Rates (prepaid) i/per line (minimum 3 lines).

CLOSING DATE first post on the 23rd of the month, for publication on the 1st of the following month.



10h.p. 1927 English fabric sports coupe, very attractive car, £150. 17-18 Rathbone Place, Oxford Street, W.I. (Tottenham Court Rd. Tube.) Museum 9865-9866.

,S; Super Sports 1’2 h.p. Ballot 2 sir. Speci.

• /•-••–/ ally built Targa Florio Race but never raced. Taxed, perfect condition. £100. Phone: Paddington 4835. A DUM CO., used SALMSON specialists, offer :-1927 Sports fabric-I. odied streamline 3-seater, unusually attractive appearance, f.w.1)., shock absorbers, starter. Vee screens, complete ta weather equipment; excellent balloons, bargain, 89 guineas ; other bargains include 1925 Grand Prix, 49 guineas ; 1925 sports, taxed, 35 guineas 1927 Grand Prix fabric coupe, 89 guineas, 1925 model t win-camshaft 4-seater, 39 guineas; 1927 skit! Sports, 67 guineas ; 1927 model Grand Prix, streamline fabric body, 89 guineas; 1926 model Grand Prix 69 guineas; it 26 (December) sports, 49 guineas 191:5 twin-camshaft 4-speed 3-seater, 59 guineas convenient deferred terms, exchanges. 352 High Rd.,’ Willesden Green, N.W.I0. Willesden 2469. i 1 ,–, 14-40 h.p. special sports SUNBEAM, -I seater, very fast, vacuum-servo brakes, es

new tyr, in splendid cndition. Modern Cars, Ltd.. 196-8 Gt. o

Portland St., W.1 . Museum 2947 8, 026:4 Deferred terms front 210 per month. Part exchange. (1.41-7 15 h.p. 6-cylinder sports aluminium 4seater, in very fine condition, 4295. T. Staiuton and Co., Ltd., 44-45 Sussex Place, South Kensington, S.W.7. ‘Phone, Kensington 6611-2.

ArSTIN 7 Chummy 1928, big lamps, wheels. Many extras. Very good condition, one owner. 272. Reynolds, Kempiford, Silverdale Rd., Bushey, Herts.

RILEY co 9 Mona Saloon, Blue, 1928. Perfect.

Owner gone abroad. 2185. Box M.85.

i2, 4j Litre invieta re-conditioned I-, throughout, one of the finest short chassis on the road. This car will be sold complete with racing and touring equipment, and is exceedingly fast. Price £700 or near offer. Apply Huskinson & Pane, Ltd., 11, Curzon Street, W.1. Telephone, Grosvenor 3016. 1.926 F.RASF,R NASH 2-seater, Black, 70

• m.p.h., very good condition throughout. Price £95. App. Box M86. (oft LEA-FRANCIS 12-40 Tourer Marroon

-L t-P Engine gives excellent performance. Bargain, 480. Box C769. 1926 special short chassis speed model, fitted

• very attractive 4-door fabric saloon body, condition throughout exceptional. 90 m.p.h., 2650. Schneider Automobiles, 138 Long Acre. ?

100 M.P.H. special sports 3-litre BENTLEY 2seater, 1925, in excellent condition, 2.375 ; terms, C.M. (Motors), Ltd., 23, Stourcliiie St., turning between 74-76 Edgware Rd. Paddington 3553. PRAZER-NASH CARS, London Rd (‘phone

Kingston 6220), have the following second-hand, cars for disposal :-1928 Boulogne, special engine, 3-seater, 4 speeds; 12-gallon rear tank, multiplex Hartfords, 12-volt lighting and starting, many extras, 2295; 1926 super sports special 4-seater, £170 ; 1928 model super sports 3-seater, cellulo.sed black, £195; 1927 Boulogne, special engine, aluminium 3-seater, rear tank Autoptdse feed, 12-volt lighting and starting, 2205. (i07 srix racer, specially rebuilt by us,

• ‘ holds 24-hour record, nuiximum 82 m.p.h., Thomson and Taylor, Brooklands Track (Bytleet 520) ; Cobham (Tel. 85) ; 2 Wells St., Piccadilly (Reg. 5185). (1.)( M.G. shop-ilt-d fabric saloon, 14.40

I • 1— • / unregistered carrying makers’ full and usual guarantee, beautifully liniAied two-tane blue wire wheels, leather upholstery, staggered wind-screen, roof vents, roof light, grained woodwork, string spoke steering, illuminated instrument panel, dash vent, mascot, every possible fitment, one only, exceptionally good opportunity, great redaction, £385 accepted (open. till 8:30 p.m. every day, week-ends included) Hire-purchase if desired : Aistanee no object. Write, ‘phone or call. The Exchange Specialists, Bambers, 33, Liverpool Rd, near Birkdale Station, Southport. ‘Phone, Birkdale 66161 (8 lines).

-DARTLETT for sports cars. 27a Pembridge Villas, Notting Hill Gate. Park (1623.

ARTLETT or Guaranteed Sports Cars.-.1.-P Bugatti 1928 1,500 c.c. Grand Prix, specially tuned 100 m.p.h., full equipment, 2295 ; Bugatti • 192$ straght .Eight modified Grand Prix Jarvis 2-seater, 2250: special offer, 1927 type 40 h.p. Bugatti 4-seater, choice of 2 at 4165 and £155 ; largest stock of sports cars in Great Britain. Open Sunday morning.— 27a, Pembridge Villas, Notting Hill Gate.

AMILCAR, 8 lt.p., 1925, first registered 1927, out-/•:./ petit sports streamline 2-seater, detachable wire wheels, excellent tyres, clock, speedo., starter, shock absorbers, V screen, many extras and equipment, quickly detachable wings, finished in red, wheels to match, tip-top mechanically, very fast, attractive; exchanges, terms ; ou others under 2100. Benmotors, 128, East till!, Wandsworth, S.W.18. Battersea 2425-6. PARKER BENNF,TTS, the used BENTLEY specialists, offer :- ()9 Speed model, 3-litre, twin carburetters, or CI spts body by Van den Plas. new tyres taxed for year. Price £375. Barker Bennett & Co., 4. Upper Wimpole Mews, Devonshire St., W.I.

.Meek 4119. TlIE following second-hand BENTLEYS : .) 6-litre 6-cylinder open 4-seater, with

1 • scuttle body by Park Ward, repainted, £950. 1925927 3-litre speed model sporting 2-seater by Vaal den Phis, 4525. 3-litre speed model sporting 4-seater by Van den Plus, repainted 2400. A Li.„ the above cars later than 1925 will be sold

LIwith the remainder of the five years’ guarantee transferred by Bentley Motors, Ltd. GAFFIKIN WILKINSoN AND co., LTD., ts’a, Hanover Square, W.I. Tel., Mayfair 3425 (3 lines). -DOV t ER -.1•yl. 16 h.p. Regal Sportsman’s Coup&

t) 6 wire wheels, bumpers, Triplex glass, Dewandre brakes, small mileage, excellent condition. Listed :it .4455. 2310. pOVER (i.cyl. 1(3 h.p. wheels, used only runs. Condition as new. Auto Buyers (1922) Ltd. W.C.1. ‘Phone, Mis:ivin

Sportsman’s Conk, wire for a few demonstration 2325.

, 27, Francis St., 1,.-Aidon, 4662-3-4-5-6.

111-1 GUINEAS. 80 m.p.h. Monthlery Sports V A.C., 6-cylinder, late 1926, streamlined body., f.w.b. DeinnanS, 132-3, Long Acre, W.C. Open week-ends. Temple Bar 8135.6-7.

SALOON, overhead-camshaft sports body, 4-door streamlined SALMSON, late 1927, very smart, 120 guineas. Denmans, 132-3, Long Acre, W.C. Open week-ends, Temple Bar 8135-6-7.

40 GUINEAS. 1926 S.ALMSON 2-seater, in excellent order and condition. Denmans, 132-3 Long Acre, W.C. Open week-ends. Temple Bar 8135. ff-,() GUINEAS. 1927 4-seater M.G. sports, £20 L T-11-1 worth of extras, overhauled. Denmans 132-3 Long Acre. W.C. Open week-ends. Tempi • Bar 8135,

SOGUINEAS. 1928 G.E. Cup Model AUSTIN 7 very smart and in wonderful order. Denmans 132-3 Long Acre, W.C. Open week-ends.

‘’,2 6-cylinder A.C. sports 4-seater Conti’, neutal moth!, Montihery engine. finished blue antique leather upholstery, all-weather equipment, wire wheels, capable of 80 m.p.h. cost .t.:800 our price £175. Jack Olding and Co., Ltd., 8-10, North Audley St., W.I. ‘Phone, Mayfair 5242-3. And 19, Brick St., W. I. ‘Phone, Grosvenor 2780-1.

1 09N; Model ALVIS, 12-50 h.p. (overhead valve) -L CIA•4 I 2-3-seater, standard Alvis coachwork, finished royal blue, upholstered leather to match, fitted with 2 doors, black leatherette head, rigid all-weather equipment, 4-wheel brakes, mid-pressure tyres, spare wheel and tyre, sunken double dickey seat, luggage carrier, 4 speeds and reverse gears electric horns, dynmno lighting, 5 lamps, starter, (.1.4shlight, speedoMeter, clock, auto-screen wiper, mascot, shock absOrbers, spring gaiters, coachwork unmarked mechanical condition perfectly maintained, first-class proposition, £215 accepted. Open till 8.30 p.m, every day, week-ends included. Hire-purchase if desired • distance no object. Write, ‘phone or call, The Exilange Specialists, Ember’s, 33, Liverpool ltd., near Birkdale Station, Southport. L’Phone, Birkdale 66161 (8 lines). ) ?wricuLAR LV inc sportsman’s coupe,

30 h.p. ‘MINERVA chassis, with handsome 2-4seater, coachwork by Harrington, luxuriously equipped. silver-plated fittings, 2 spare wheels, taxed year, original cost about £1,600, accept 295 guineas, instalments or exchange considered. Sutton, 21, Brown St., 1V.1. Paddington 8749.


ARIEL 1928 5 h.p. 0.h.v. Sports, excellent condition, Lucas Magdyno lighting, horn ; 35 guineas, or £9/4 down and take delivery, balance by 18 monthly! nstahnents of £1/14/4.

A.J.S. 1927 3.50 h.p. o.h.v. Sport’s, excellent con/A.dition, Astra dynamo lighting, horn pillion seat and rests : 30 guineas cash, or £7/17/6 down and take delivery. balance by 18 monthly instalments of fifi /9/5.

TAME* 1929 1.72 h.p. Super Sports, excellent J condition, electric lighting, horn, tax paid, and insured to May ; 29 guineas cash, or £7/12/3 down and take delivery, balance by 18 monthly instalments of £1/8/5.–Wauchope’s, 9, Shoe Lane, London, E.C.4.

49Q c.c. A.J.S. actual 1926 T.T. machine. Engine V completely rebuilt with double oil pump and pressure-fed big end. All wearing parts renewed including new racing specialloid piston in reground barrel. 3f gallon twin tanks and sprint tank. Spares include cylinder head, barrel, valves, complete range of engine sprockets, and 2 spare wheels. Also T.T. sidecar chassis with spare wheel. 95 m.p.h. in sprint tune, perfectly flexible on the road. £40 the lot. Box .85. MOTOR SPORT.


QCOKED CYLINDERS. Scores in cylinder N-7 bores can be filled in by Ba.rimar Metallurgical (Patented) Process, to tit existing pistons and returned in two days under money-back guarantee, at low cost.–BaarstAa, Ltd. (Scientific Welding Engineers), 14-18, Lamb’s Conduit Street, London, W.C.I. Branches in Birmingham, Manchester Leeds, Newcastle-on-Tyne and Gasgow.


PINKS 2-jet Mousetrap, complete with tw’st -EY grip control. New, cost £5. k Accept £2 10s. Box 0100.