CLUB NEWS, November 1929



Junior Car Club—Members of the Junior Car Clubtake to the air.

TWO of the ” Argosy ” type air liners used on the London-Continental routes by Imperial Airways, Ltd., were engaged, on Saturday last, in taking Members of the Junior Car Club on sight-seeing cruises over London.

Six flights were carried out in these monster liners (each carrying twenty passengers) during the afternoon, and those who made the trip had the novel experience of seeing London from the air whilst they were travelling in saloon car comfort.

Members of the Club were also conducted around the Air Port during the afternoon, and were introduced to many features that contribute to the high state of efficiency of modern air travel.

In the evening a Dinner and Dance, held in the Aerodrome Hotel, served to wind up what was probably one of the most interesting and instructive visits ever carried out by the Junior Car Club.

On Saturday, November 2nd, the Junior Car Club is holding a Half Day Trial in Surrey. Whilst not of a “destructive ” nature, the course will be of a sufficiently exacting nature as to call for some good driving on the part of the competitors, and the indications are that the event will prove as popular as any of its predecessors. The Trial, which starts at 1 p.m., is restricted to Members of the Junior Car Club. In the evening a Dinner and Dance will be held at Burford Bridge Hotel. Full details of the event (together with details of membership for non-members) may be obtained from the General Secretary, Junior Car Club, Empire House, Thurloe Place, S.W.7. (Phone, Kensington 1294).

West Kent Motor Club.

The third Inter-Club social run, held on September 29th was a great success, a large party of members of the Brixton, Sydenham and West Kent clubs making the journey to Ashdown Forest. In the afternoon several competitive events were held, including a T.T. race, a ” slow ” race and a freak hill climb, after which the party adjourned to the Henry VIII. at Hever

for tea.

At a.recent .committee meeting many suggestive ideas were discussed and as a result an attractive winter programme will be arranged. Included in this will be social evenings, dances, dinners, theatre party, etc.

Liverpool Motor Club.

The re-run of the competition for the Sir Leslie Scott Trophy was certainly a trial. A circuit of 40 miles from Ledsham to Llangollen and back over by-roads and hills had to be covered twice and what with the wind the rain and the sleet it was wonderful that the finishers numbered thirty. Tales of the thrilling rides up Maes-y-Safn and down the Old Horse-shoe

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pass will be told for many a long day. Some of the car competitors started off with their hoods up but soon furled them on the moors when there appeared to be distinct possibilities of the wind lifting the vehicles completely off the ground. The results will be awaited with more than usual interest and those who do get awards will most certainly have earned them.

Berkhamsted and District M.C.C.

On September 22nd a combined Treasure Hunt was staged, starting from the Cromwell Hotel, Stevenage ; fifteen members took part, and the final clues resulted in a very vigorous two hours’ work on the part of Messrs. Gough, Rust and Cubitt, the last-named eventually running the treasure—R1 in threepenny pieces !—to earth.

Cookstown and District M.C.C.

The Committee has decided to secure a new course for next year’s road race, the distance of which will probably be increased from 70 to 100 miles. The proposed circuit is much faster than the old one and passes through the main street of the town, while there are several other good ” straights.”