
crankcase. After the race it was at first thought that nothing serious had happened, and mechanics drove the car, which seemed to run well. This shows how difficult it is to trace trouble in a multi-cylinder car. Sutton, driving the 3rd Alvis, a standard model, retired at 27 laps when running 6th.

Meanwhile in the 1,100 c.c. class Waite, on the enlarged Austin 7, was delayed with cylinder-head gasket trouble, while Dunfee and de Marnier (Salmsons) retired. The Amilcars, too, paid several visits to the pits at various times to wash out their clutches. After running well for 30 laps Goutte was seriously delayed by a leaky joint between supercharger and engine, the same trouble also assailing Vernon Balls (Amilcar). Both drivers, however, were able to continue.

Moriceau goes to Earth.

Shortly after half distance Moriceau’s Talbot skidded in the sand which had been scattered on the track by passing cars and buried his car in the last sandbank of the turn on to the Railway straight. For nearly half an hour the game little Frenchman burrowed and scratched away with his hands and a small stake, while

other competitors whizzed by within inches of his car, Thomas on one occasion nearly running on to the bank himself. Eventually the. Talbot shook itself free and Moriceau continued, though the incident cast him a certain place. Capt. Douglas now ran into third place on his Bugatti, but was shortly afterwards displaced by Purdy on a similar car. Major Halford continued to lap steadily on top gear, eventually finishing sixth.

In the 1,100 c.c. class a change came over the race, when on his 48th lap Casse, who was leading, was put out by the failure of his Salmson engine ; thus all the fastest Salmsons were out of the race, and the three Amilcars, despite their intermittent clutch trouble, were almost unassailable. C. M. Turner’s Gwynne, with its large beetle-backed body, was running with great reliability, as indeed it did throughout the race. The unlucky Waite retired at last with a broken body support after completing 51 laps. In the 750 c.c. class the only change was that Walther’s car slowed appreciably towards the end of the race. Malcolm Campbell, after various trouble, finally retired at 52 laps with something seriously wrong inside. The concluding stages of the race were devoid of any

feverish excitement. Segrave and Divo continued to schedule, with Purdy and Douglas following at o respectable distance, Thomas gliding round quietly, and Moriceau trying to regain his lost position. In the 1,100 c.c. class the Amilcars, with occasional stops, continued to wrangle among themselves, with George Newman’s Salmson just behind. Hall (Austin 7) retired at 70 laps, thus leaving only two finishers in the 750 c.c. class. Eventually the final placings and speeds were as follows :

1,500 c.c CLASS.

1,100 C.C. CLASS.

Great credit is due to Purdy in the 1,500 c.c. class, as he is a genuine amateur and does his own tuning, and to Major Halford, who drove throughout on top gear alone.

Purdy and Douglas had no trouble, but Thomas had a few short stops.

The Amilcars put up a brilliant performance in the 1,100 c.c. class, but G. Newman’s consistent fight should not be overlooked.

Gordon England has won the 750 c.c. race on every possible occasion, and only entered this year to ensure a sufficient number of starters to allow the race to be run.