Round the Clubs, November 1926


Round the Clubs


Honorary District Agents are appointed by ” Motor Sport” to further the interest in the sporting side of motoring and motor cycling. We give on this page a list of the Honorary District Agents already appointed. Through these Honorary Agents we keep in touch with local events in all parts of the country, and with their

co-operation we hope to increase the popularity of motor and motor cycle sport. Honorary District Agents will be pleased, whenever possible, to give assistance to motorists and motor cyclists, desirous of taking part in local events.

if you have any difficulty in obtaining” Motor Sport” in your neighbourhood, the nearest Honorary District Agent will inform you how you may obtain it.

Ilkley and D. M.C.

There were some good riding performances in the halfday reliability trial held over a course of .65 miles. Eighteen of the 22 starters followed the correct route, and the following gained awards :

GOLD MEDALLIST CLASS—GOLD MEDAL: C. H. Wood (5.96 h.p. Scott), no error.

SILVER MEDAL: R. H. Smith (4.94 h.p. Triumph), error of one mark.

NOVICE CLASS—GOLD MEDAL: J. Hardy (3.49 h.p. O.K.), error of four marks.

SILVER MEDAL: Miss M. Laycock (3.49 h.p. Cotton), error of nine marks.

BRONZE MEDM, : T. Laughlan (4.99 h.p. P. and M., and sidecar), error of 10 marks.

This club are putting forward the interesting suggestion, that the A.-C.U. should organize an annual team trial to decide the champion club in the country. The following are their proposals :—(1) Each centre to run a team trial and the centre team champions to compete in a team trial for the championship of the A.-C.U. (2) The A.-C.U. to be responsible for the course of the final event. (3) The A.-C.U. headquarters to provide the trophy. (4) The venue of the trial to be changed each year. (5) Competing clubs only to nominate riders who live within, say, 20 miles of their headquarters. (6) Teams to consist of two solo riders and one sidecar rider, with reserves.

Hendon Athos M.C. and L.C.C.

The results of the steeplechase which was held over a half-mile course are as follow :-1, C. A. Colt (3.50 h.p. 0.E.C.), gold centre medal ; 2, H. A. Stadie (3.49 h.p. A.J.S.), silver medal ; 3, S. W. H. Egan (3.49 h.p. New Gerrard), bronze medal.

Hon. secretary : R. Hitchin-Kemp, 6, Rowsley Avenue, Hendon.

Knowle and D. M.C.

The Autumn reliability trial was held for the Delingpole Cup. The course was of an easy nature, and the results were as follow :—

DELINGPOLE CUP : F. C. Chambers (4.99 h.p. James). ROSE Bowl,: L. White (7.70 h.p. B.S.A. and sidecar). HENLEY AWARD: L. Allen (9.76 h.p. Enfield).

Hon. secretary, L. Holmes,” Swiss Cottage,” Warwick Road, Olton.

Hove Sporting M.C.C.

A successful trial was held recently over a course of 40 miles. Only 15 competitors out of a total entry of 35 completed the course. One of the observed hills was “Mount Idunno,” and this only accounted for one failure, although W. Stringer crashed heavily between here and the time check at Steyning Round Hill. Bad luck in the shape of a puncture 2 miles from the finish debarred the South Downs M.C.C. ” A ” team from a possible win of the team prize. The results are as follow :

SILVER Cup: R. Kettle (8 h.p. Matchless). SILVER MEDAL: J. Acton (4.90 h.p. Norton). BRONZE MEDAL: E. Cosh (3.50 h.p. Calthorpe). TEAM PRIZE: Hove Sporting M.C.C. ” C” team—

W. Stringer (4.80 h.p. Norton), J. Acton (4.90 h.p.

Norton) and E. Quero (3.50 h.p. Rex-Acme).

SPECIAL BRONZE MEDAL (for the best performance by a competitor not a member of a club) : E. Budd (4.99 h.p. Ariel).

Hon. Secretary : F. G. Leaney, 3, Hanover Crescent, Brighton.

Otley Gipsy M.C. and C.C.

Over 50 members turned out for the open run to Park Rash, Kettkwell. An impromptu hill-climb attracted 20 entrants, the winners being as follow :-1, N. Summerscales (2 h.p. Velocette), 37 secs. ; 2, H. Darbyson (21 h.p. Douglas, 40 secs. ; 3, W. Layburn (21 h.p. Royal Enfield), 41 2-5 secs. A successful climb was also made by W. Curtis (11 h.p. Excelsior), whose time was 1 min. 21 secs.

Liverpool M.C.

The above club held a Car Trial recently in North Wales which included three observed hills and was about 120 miles in length. All the cars finished on time. The results are as follows :—

SILVER Cup: L. A. Cosson (Essex).

SILVER ASHTRAYS: Miss N. Marples (Morris Oxford), L. A. Cosson (Essex), C. Storey (Hupmobile).

SILVER RINGS: T. L. Vickers (Riley), G. A. K. Newbolt (Rover).

City of London M.A.

In view of the fact that it was open to all clubs affiliated to the South Midland Centre A.-C.U., this club’s recently-held London-Chester-London trial was poorly supported. Owing to adverse weather conditions the trial became rather severe, and only four competitors checked in at the finish. The blinding rain and hail made Jenky-n’s Chapel a difficult climb, and only three competitors made a faultless ascent. Results :

ENGLAND MEMORIAL TROPHY AND REPLICA: H. B. Chantrey (9.88 h.p. Brough-Superior).

SILVER CuP : C. V. Wells (9.76 h.p. Royal Enfield and sidecar).

CLUB SPOONS: P. Shillabeer (9.90 h.p. Matchless and sidecar), and L. A. Dearth (5.96 h.p. Scott).

The organizers desire to express their thanks to the Macclesfield and D. M.C. for their valuable assistance on Jenkyn’s Chapel and Mow Cop, and trust they will be able to return the compliment at some future date.


The Dewar Challenge Trophy, which is awarded annually by the Royal Automobile Club, has been presented to Miss Violet Cordery for the splendid performance she put up with her Invicta car at Montlhery last July.

Miss Cordery drove the car day and night for seventyone hours between July 5th and 8th, covering a distance of 5,016.2 miles in the time. Her running speed averaged out at 73.8 miles per hour. This is the first occasion on which the coveted trophy has been won by a woman, and Miss Cordery deserves every congratulation for her remarkable achievement, and it is also encouraging to record that the car was a British production. The Dewar Trophy was founded in 1906 and has been awarded fourteen times. 4INIMP