CONTENTS, November 1925




Regaining the 24 hours’ World’s Record. By Capt. J. F. Duff … • • • 152-154 The Gentle Art of Hill Climbing • • • • • • • • • 155-158 Motoring Sportsmen : Mr. Woolf Barnato. By The

Editor … … … ••• … … 159-161 Sporting Cars on Road and Track. The 2o/7o h.p. Crossley … … … ••• x62, 163,166 Recent Events in the Motor Racing World … 164-165 The M.C.C. One-Day Sporting Trial … … 167-168 The B.M.C.R.C. Championship Meeting … .• • 170-171 Good Racing at the Essex M.C. Meeting … ••• Sporting Machines on Test. The Henderson. By 171 Arnold Radclyffe … • •• 172-174 Round the Clubs … … i77-180 Editorial • • • • • • • • • • • •