Round the Clubs, November 1925


Round the Clubs


This Club, which was formed in Edinburgh on the completion of this year’s London to EdinburghTrial, held its first annual dinner at the Hotel Rembrandt on October 16th, a large gathering of members and guests attending. Mr. Victor Riley was in the chair, and amongst those present were Mr. Gordon Marshall, Lieut.-Commander John Havers, Sir James Percy, Mr. Thornton Rutter, Mr. A. Percy Bradley, Capt. de Normanville, Mr. S. C. H. Davis, Mr. Begley, Mr. Reeves and the Editor of Motor Sport.

Mr. Gordon Marshall proposed ” The Press” in a humorous speech, explaining that the Club, though holding its first annual dinner at the time of the Show, desired that the gathering should be free from trade associations, and gave a brief outline of the inception of the Riley Motor Club, the members of which were all owners of Riley cars and were keen on the sporting side of motoring. Sir James Percy replied in one of his characteristic speeches, which thoroughly delighted the members and guests.

The toast of the Riley Club was proposed by Mr. Thornton Rutter, Mr. Victor Riley making a suitable response. The inauguration of the Riley Motor Club marks a distinct advance in motoring organisations, and now, being recognised by the R.A.C., entitles members to use a very handsome badge on their cars.

After some business connected with the election of officials, the proceedings took the form of an impromptu concert, Mr. Smith, of Blackpool, causing great amusement by his rendering of a song entitled ” I do like an egg for my tea” as one item in a very comprehensive repertoire. The function was of a very pleasant character, and the members and guests enjoying a thoroughly happy evening, which, as Sir James Percy described it, was f<

an oasis among the desert of Show ties.” We can recommend all Riley owners who have not yet become members of this bright sporting club to associate themselves with the Riley Motor Club.


I commend to other overworked club secretaries the idea adopted as a preliminary experiment by the above Clubs on Sunday, October 11th. It so happened that both Clubs intended to hold one of their regular reliability trials on this date, and after mutual agreement it was decided to use the same course and observers, etc., thus saving time, labour and, what is more important to Clubs not overburdened with s. d., money. The experiment turned out a great success, and the idea

will without doubt be generally adopted during the next and subsequent seasons. Each Club competed for their own individual awards, and to add zest to the trial a joint trophy was offered for the best performance of the day, irrespective of these awards.

The course was over 102 miles of the usual trials country, but including much new freak stuff, upon which many riders met their Waterloo. The blue dye lead up Hagley Wood Hill and Shut Mill both in exceptionally good condition and causing little, if any, trouble; but hereabouts the trail was hopelessly intermingled with that used by another Club on some previous occasion, and ” finding the correct course” became increasingly difficult. Hereabouts the writer, although subsequently completing the course and climbing successfully all observed hills, lost all possible chance of a premier award by following the dye laid for the recent Alec Ross Trial for 15 miles before coming to the conclusion that he was somewhat off the proper track, ultimately checking in at the lunch check (Ludlow) some 40 minutes late.

The afternoon section created considerable surprise, and had the weather been less considerate clean performances would have been the exception rather than the rule. Sidecar entrants in particular (fortunately numbering three only out of an entry of 24) had a rough passage. The observed hills mostly lay off the Cleehill—Tenebury road, and Titroll Hill (complete with hair-pin), and also one carrying the illuminating appellation of Little Isles Hill consisted mostly of huge boulders strewn all over a narrow track, which would give the average Army mule a few anxious moments whilst ascending, or, I should say, attempting to ascend !

Abberley and Noverton were the last observed hills —the former in good condition, permitting almost without exception clean climbs, but the latter accounting for numerous failures owing to a deep belt of mud stretching across the stiffest part of the gradient.

The finish was at Stourport, and competitors were glad to rest and partake of a well-earned repast in readiness for them at the Swan Hotel. Results are not yet availabe, but the severity of the course may be judged from the fact that only four riders completed the trial without loss of marks.

H. J. George, Hon. Sports Secretary, Wolverhampton M.C.C., “The Homestead,” Old Fallings Lane, Wolverhampton.


On Saturday, October 10th, a reliability triaLwas organised over one of the usual Wessex Centre Courses. There was a very healthy turn-out, over 20 members

at the next meet—date to be arranged later—nearer 100 entries are anticipated. Saturday’s result was :—

Mr. F. Chapman Premier Award.

Mr. W. Werrett Silver Medal, best performance.

Mr. S. G. Hill Silver Medal, best performance Sidecar.


To prove their interest and enthusiasm quite a good number of members were in evidence at the start (Nag’s Head Hotel) on Sunday, September 20th, for the Club’s hill climb, this time arranged to take place at ” Jenkin’s Chapel Hill.” The journey as far as Macclesfield via Warrington and Knutsford was uneventful, although a few torrential showers were encountered en route. The hill is situated about seven miles the other side of Macclesfield, and on inspection was found to be in a very wet and muddy condition due to the recent bad weather. Ordinarily the surface is loose, with a gradient usually estimated at one in two-and-a-half, and includes two hairpin corners. Many showed great keenness to try their skill at making clean climbs, but only three proved successful in making clean climbs. R. Hornby (349 A.J.S.) and K. Cork (349 A.J.S.) tied for fastest time, they making the ascent in 51 seconds, but in the re-run the latter competitor beat his formidable rival by 9 seconds. H. M. Chipchase (5-6 Sunbeam sidecar) at first looked like being victorious, but some mud at the top, which caused much wheel spin, spoilt his good chances. G. Emsley (494 Triumph) took the hill in a very cool and collected manner, which secured the second place for him. G. Tunstall (494 Triumph), who although absolutely new to this kind of sport, showed many ” how to do it,” and went up in grand style. Results are as follows :

1. K. J. Code (349 A.J.S.).

2. G. Emsley (494 Triumph). . 3. G. Tunstall (494 Triumph).


Crowded out elsewhere this short paragraph on the Scott Trial finds a home under the Club reports. Out of 117 entries, 106 started from Otley and the remarkable total of 50 finished, five of whom actually did the course in under four hours. Considering that this is an average of twenty miles an hour over a course worse than Scramberley, these five deserve a tablet in every clubroom. Their names are as follows :

• • • • • •

The course included the worst that Yorkshire could provide, including twelve watersplashes, and about ten really rough hills. If the weather had been wet it is practically certain that no one could have completed the circuit in four hours. As it was, however, the trial was favoured with a perfect day, but this did not affect certain parts of the course which, owing to overhanging trees, are in a constant state of grease.