

BROOKLANDS is as equally unbearable on a hot day as on a cold day, but on October the tenth the gods indeed smiled, for perfect conditions prevailed at the track.

Plenty of really fast work was to be seen, but in spite of this no really thrilling finishes occurred. Le Vack had a field day, carrying off the 250, 350

and 500 c.c. championships and breaking the 10 mile standing start record on an H.R.D. with a speed of 96.02 m.p.h. With the exception of P. G. Dallison, who scored a runaway win on his tiny Norman engined Elfsoa, all the events were won by well-known track riders, by which is meant men who have been in the public eye all the season. Even the second and third places were filled by men whose names have been on everyone’s tongue during the past six months or so. The only exception was C. W. Lacey. An intrepid

rider, playing a lone hand on a Cotton Jap, he has consistently tried hard all the season, and at last he reaped his reward by riding third to Le Vack and Handley, conscious of the fact that he was leading the rest of the field. V. Horsman met much more serious opposition than he has been used to, and in both the solo races he had

to concede first place, first to Le Vack in the 500 c.c, and second to H. M. Walters in the 750 c.c. event. Walters was mounted on a 70 c.c. Zenith Jap and succeeded in passing both Horsman and Dixon on the last lap.

In the 350 sidecar race Marchant with a damaged hand secured a real victory for his Chater-Lea. This outfit is really one of the best track productions of the year and merits close scrutiny by all racegoers.

Horsman triumphed at last in the 600 c.c. sidecar event, easily overtaking Fitzgerald’s outfit and leading Dixon by a good distance to the finish. G. Tucker brought his Norton and sidecar into third place, a very commendable attempt when it is considered that it appeared unlikely that he would be able to get a place.

The 1,000 c.c. race produced an unexpected finish. J. S. Wright, driving a 980 Zenith Jap sidecar, scored a good win in vanquishing Le Vack on a Brough Superior and both Longman (Harley Davidson) and Riddoch (Zenith Blackburne) had to follow Wright to the finish nearly three-quarters of a mile behind him. The Three-wheeler race proved instructive, for R. T. Horton, on an outwardly standard Aero Morgan, was only beaten by the very special Morgan Blackburne

driven by the record breaker, H. Beart. The latter’s speed was 83 m.p.h.

Altogether thirteen records were broken—four going to Dallison on the 170 c.c. Elfson Norman, one to Le Vack, four to Marchant on his O.H.V. Chater-Lea and sidecar, and four to J. S. Wright, riding a 980 Zenith Jap and sidecar.