HERE AND THERE, November 1924




The first of our series of articles on ” otoring Sportsmen of To-day,” dealt with the late Count Louis Zborowski, and appeared in our issue of July, of this year.


VACUUM. Stand 225.

The Vacuum Oil Co. has on the stand a stock of copies of ” Correct Motor Cycle Lubrication,” a highly instructive booklet which will be found most interesting and helpful. They are also exhibiting a variety of their well-known Gargoyle Mobiloil and greases, as well as a chart which shows the correct grade of this make of lubricant for all makes of motor cycles and cyclecars marketed in Great Britain and Ireland, including all models from 192o to 1924. The Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., Caxton House, Westminster, London, S.W. r.

DRAGONFLY. Stand 154.

A considerable number of successes have been obtained during the past year by motor cycles using Dragonfly motor oils. On request an eight page leaflet enumerating these successes will

be handed to the visitor at the above-named stand at Olympia, where he may also obtain expert advice on the selection of oils and lubricants generally, and may actually see samples of the various grades of Dragonfly oils and greases and may examine the new collapsible tube container for greases. R. D. Nichol & Co., Prudential Buildings, Sheffield.

CHALLENOE. Stand 223.

Another maker of lubricants is the Challenge Oil Co., Ltd., of Howard Works, Stoke Newington, London, N. 16, and on this stand the motor cyclist will be able to obtain a considerable amount of interesting information as to the outstanding features of lubricants in general and, of course, of Challenge oils and greases in particular.

SPEEDWELL. Stand 175.

” Running made easy “is the happy wording on this company’s trade mark. On the stand some interesting samples of racing oil as well as other well-known Speedwell lubricants are shown. A unique lubricant for gear boxes is Crimsangere. It is claimed that this product is fluid whether hot or cold, that it eliminates all gear noises, does not cut into channels, and maintains its lubricating qualities even after months of use. It has been adopted by a large number of motor cycle gear manufacturers of importance. The British Oil & Turpentine. Corporation, Ltd., 57-58, Chancery Lane, London, W. C. 2.