
The BROOlkia _

No. 5 NOVEMBER, 1924 VOL. 1

The only Organ devoted entirely to the Sport of Motor Car and Motor Cycle Racing and Competitions.

Published on the First of Each Month, Edited by H. SCOTT HALL, M.I.A.E.

Single Copies — One Shilling. Annual Subscription 10/6 post free.

RADCLYFFE’S, Technical Publishers, 65, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.i. Telephone—VICTORIA 9545.



Etlitorial Notes … Ig5 -197 Death of Count Zborowski 197 Motoring Sportsmen of To Day 199-200 Opening of the Track at Montlhery 201-203 Sporting Events of the Month 203-206 Power with Economy (Memini Carburettor) 207-209

A 4,060 Miles Certified Trial … 209 Events of the Month in Pictures 210-2/1 Motor Cycles at Olympia 212-218 Accessories at Olympia 219-224 Round the Clubs 225-227

Here and There… 228


All contributions, whether literary, artistic or photographic, will be carefully considered by the Editor. A stamped, addressed envelope should be sent with every contribution, and the Editor will endeavour to return all matter he is unable to accept. Neither the Editor nor the proprietors are responsible for the loss of any contributions.


Club Secretaries are specially invited to send the Editor paragraphs about the activities of their Clubs, and, in particular, notice of forthcoming events. All reports of competitions, meetings and other events should be sent to the Editor as early as possible, and must be received by the 20th of the month, to ensure attention for the next issue. Address contributions to : The Editor, THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE, 65, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1.

Editorial Notes.

The Shows.

This is verily a time of shows, of exhibits and exhibiting. First we had the Paris Salon, then the Exhibition of Motor Cars at Olympia, now we have the Motor Cycle and Cycle Show, and hardly will the doors of Olympia have closed on that before Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, will begin to fill with a further display of motor vehicles of all types, sizes and weights. Of all these, however, there is only one which really makes an appeal to the motoring sportsman, and that is the one now open at Olympia : the Motor Cycle Show. The Car Show, which might have had that appeal, is bereft of its sporting attraction, to a large extent, by the will of the exhibitors, who will not permit machines of a purely racing type to be exhibited. In this regard rather a humorous incident occurred in the course of our visits to the Show, when a salesman on the stand of a well-known maker of racing cars turned to one of the exhibits and described it to us as being the racing model. Looking in the catalogue, we observed that it was described as a ” sports ” car. He in his turn read his firm’s description of the vehicle in question, and, obviously taken aback, and equally obviously ignorant of the disability under which wouldbe exhibitors of racing models must labour in this matter, he cursed, by bell, book and candle, the compilers of the catalogue who had, according to him, made a mistake in their reference to this particular model.

This year, at any rate, the car show came as near to being a show to delight the eye of the motoring sportsman as it has done for long years—perhaps it will not come so near again for a long time to conic. There were sports models there, and amongst them some fine examples of the art, shown on twenty-five per cent. of the car stands, a proportion which, we imagine, creates a record for recent years. [“THE BROOKLANDS GAZETTE” will deal with all matters pertaining to motoring sport in all its forms in an impartial manner. Consequently, the Editor does not necessarily associate himself with the opinions expressed by his contributors.]