

The Mecca of the Motoring Sportsman : Sports Models for all Tastes : Economical Touring Machines for all Ages : Exhibition of Historical Interest.

THLMotor Cycle Show is more of a sportsman’s affair than is the Car Show, and its particular attraction in this regard is reflected in the attitude of the visitors.

In the case of the Car Show, the majority are obviously of the sight-seeing order they may, in a few cases, know something about the technical aspects of the cars which they admire, but such as have that knowledge, are few and far between.

At the Motor Cycle Show the reverse is the case The majority of the visitors take a very lively interest in the technical details of the machines which are exhibited, and not a few of the salesmen are likely to find themselves asked very inconvenient questions if they do not happen to be quite au .fetit with all the details of the machines on the stand which is in their charge.

This year the Exhibition must be more comprehensive than ever. It comprises all types of wheeled vehicles on two or three wheels, from scooters for children to luxurious three-wheeled cars, and sidecars designed for the conveyance of entire families. In between three extremes, there are all sorts, covering every branch of the three main phases of transit, namely, sport, touring and utility. Steady progress rather than revolutionary departures from exhibit methods of design are indicated by the exhibits. .Stich price reductions as are apparent, are comparatively insignificant, and it is clear that motor cycle prices are now stabilized and have reached rock bottom.

Amongst the sports models which are exhibited, may be found machines to suit the requirements of every rider, the smallest has a diminutive engine of no more than 2 h.p., while there are splendid specimens of the heftier twin models with a nominal 10 h.p.

The needs of the tourist are met by magnificent machines, the reliability of which are such, that the engine may be forgotten and the up-keep costs of which are so low, as to offer cheaper transit than that of ‘bus, tram or train.

The high standard of luxury as reached by some of these outfits, comprising totally enclosed saloons with glass panelled” conning towers and luxuriously upholstered interiors, easily rival some of the most expensive and exclusive car exhibits of the same type which we saw last month at the Motor Car Show.

Balloon tyres have now invaded the sphere of the motor cycle, while the suspension of some of the luxury type machines has been so far improved that road shocks are now almost entirely eliminated.

The luxury combinations are now built as single entities and not as motor cycles with sidecars added. There is a large group of moderate power combinations representing the most popular, the most economical and the most reliable form of sociable touring.

A particularly interesting stand is that on which is staged a representation of the history of the movement. On this stand, there are machines of all ages, dating right back to the pioneer productions of 20 years ago. Modern motor cyclists must marvel how such grotesque machines could ever have offered road transit, but old timers are recalling the childhood of motor cycling with all its excitements and inconsistencies. There is much food for thought and reflection on this “history ” stand of The Autocycle Union.

The Exhibition is promoted by The British Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers’ and Traders’ Union. It is open daily until Saturday the 8th inst. from io a.m. to io p.m., the price of admission being 2S. od. each day before 7 p.m., and Is. od. after that hour.

Combination, 490 ; the 3.49 De Luxe Tourer, £57; the 3.49 De Luxe Sporting Model, £57; the 3.49 Standard Sporting Machine, 449 TOS. ; the 3.49 Racer, with overhead valves, 460. A. J. Stevens & Co., Wolverhampton.

ARIEL. Stand 54.

For 1925 Ariels are concentrating on their 248 C.C. and 499 C.C. models and no fewer than 14 examples of these two models are on exhibition on the stand. The smaller machine has a long stroke engine, the bore being 6o mm. and the stroke 88 mm. Side by side valves are used in the engine, which is a Blackburne. Lubrication is by hand operated pump and the carburetter is a B. and B. or Amac. Touring handle bars are fitted as standard, or T.T. at option. The forks are Druid type. A model of the overhead valve type is also shown and is claimed to be capable of speeds up to 55 m.p.h. One is shown as a touring model and the other equipped for sports work.

The larger model is equipped with an Arid l engine, the bore and stroke of which are 81.8 mm. and 95 mm. The machine embodies the Arid l three-speed gear box, which has been redesigned with a view to lightening it and making it neater. At the same time the strength and size of the internal parts has not been excessively reduced. The quick starter and clutch operating mechanism have been improved and the clutch is now controlled by hand. The sports model is stated to be capable of 65 m.p.h. on the road. Arid l Works, Ltd., Bournbrook, I3irininghatn.

BEARDMORE PRECISION. Stand 73. Four models of Beardmore Precision motor cycles

Four models are shown on this stand. There is the 2/ h.p. “F” type, which is shown in the sports and touring models, the 21 h.p., which is exhibited both as solo and combination, and in the case of the latter, equipped in one case with a touring body and in the other with aluminium body. The 3i h.p.” B ‘ type is also shown as a solo and as a combination, fitted in the latter case, with aluminium sidecar. The 41 h.p. “C” type is shown as a touring combination. Another edition, the 21 h.p. “F” type, over head valve T.T. model is also shown. •

Very little modification has taken place in these machines since last year. Briefly enumerated they consist of the provision of mechanical oiling on the 21 h.p. machines, a Pilgrim pump performing this duty. The oil tank is not now built up in conjunction with the petrol tank, but is located behind the seat tube. The gear control is now mounted directly on to the gear box and this facilitates general attachment. Inverted control levers are now fitted and the wheel base of the machine has been lengthened by 2 Tn. The T.T. model is fitted with an approved type of head, embodying coil springs and a special type of rocker return springs, also a special rocker lubricating system. A foot operated oil pump is fitted in addition to the mechanical lubricating pump. The rear brakes can be operated by either foot. F. B. Baker, Ltd., King’s Norton, Birmingham.

BIANCHI. Stand 60.

The Bianchi motor cycles as shown on this stand comprise single and twin-cylinder models. The former is a four-stroke with a cubic capacity of 348 c.c., and its specification includes a semi-automatic carburetter, three speeds, multiple disc clutch running in oil and operated by pedal ; all-chain transmission, and 26 in. by 3 in. tyres on wheels mounted on knock-out spindles to facilitate tyre changes. The two-cylinder machine has a V-type 600 c.c. engine, and its specification resembles, in general, that outlined above. The price of the smaller model as a solo machine is 478 Jos., and of the larger, 498 ros. Bianchi Motors, Ltd., 26, St. James’ Street, London, S.W. x.

BOWDEN WIRE LTD. Stand 40. motor exhibited on this is

The J.D. motor cycle which is exhibited on this stand is particularly interesting, in that it is friction driven. An endless chain connects the engine flywheel sprocket to a larger one, adjustably mounted on a bracket brazed to the chain stay of the machine. This driven sprocket is built up with a friction roller and runs on a double row of roller bearings. Special frictional material conveys the drive to a U-shaped rim attached to the rear wheel. The friction roller is attached to a swinging arm and so mounted on the chain stay that the whole can be swung

TILE Ni.;‘v B.S.A. 350 MoDEL.

into and out of action by means of a lever on the handle bar. When engaged, contact is maintained by means of the springs acting on an extension lever of the drive arm, but the ingenious feature of the transmission is that the swing arm carrying the friction roller is so mounted on the chain stay that the stronger the pull exerted on the driving chain by the engine, the greater is the pressure applied to the friction roller. Two machines running under electric power demonstrate this transmission. The engine is a two-stroke, of 116 c.c. Bowden Wire, Ltd., Victoria Road, Willesden Junction, London, N.W. 10.

BROIJOH. Stand 35.

There is no doubt that amongst the exhibits on this stand the most interesting is the entirely new model which is to be known as the S.S./oo. This machine is an exact replica of the BroughSuperior used by Le Vack during the 1924 season, in which he has been successful in winning nine world’s records, including the fastest speed ever accomplished on a motor cycle, namely, 123 m.p.h. solo, and 103 m.p.h. with sidecar. Every machine of this model sold has a written guarantee that it has actually exceeded 100 m.p.h. for a quarter of a mile on a private road which is reserved for the purpose. In addition to having this guaranteed top speed, it is claimed that it will run at If) m.p.h. on top gear with scarcely a sound. The wheels fitted are 28 in. by 3 in., the ground clearance is 5 in., and the saddle height 271 in. only.

Several modifications have been made to the standard model S.S. 8o, amongst which should be noted the equipment of both road wheels with detachable roller bearings, the use of a patented roller bearing steering head, larger and more efficient brakes fitted with heat dissipators, the fitting of Webb patent forks which embody a shock absorber and steering head damper, the use of a transmission shock absorber in the rear wheels, and several other minor modifications. Geo. Brough, Haydn Road, Nottingham.

B. S. A. Stand 23.

The range of B.S.A. motor cycles for 1925 is substantially the same as that which has been in existence throughout the past year. Two new models, it is true, have appeared in the interim, but these have been specially developed for overseas work.

The 3.49 overhead valve and side-valve models have been strengthened in the frame so as to allow for the fitting of a light sidecar. As to the rest of the range, which covers machines from 2.49 h.p. to 9.86 h.p,, detailed alterations include the fitting otrgrease gun lubricators to cycle bearings in. all except the smallest models, and the total enclosure of the front brakes to prevent the risk of dirt and grit getting to the fulcrum and springs. On all models the cush drive is now automatically lubricated by oil mist carried from the crank case through holes in the engine main shaft. A new type of clutch lever giving a straight pull, is now used in conjunction with a large diameter cable.

Some interesting looking semi-sports sidecars are shown on the stand and the sports skiff when fitted to the 3.49 O.H.V. forms a really sporting outfit.

The two special overseas models to which we have already referred, are designed to give increased ground clearance and improved weather protection.

It is impossible in the space at our command to enumerate all the B.S.A. models and pnces. The smallest model of 2.49 h.p. sells at 436 158., and the 9.86 h.p. De Luxe at 480. Sidecar prices range from 415 to 428. B.S.A. Cycles, Ltd., Small Heath, Birmingham.

CAMPION. Stand 15.

A full and complete range of motor cycles of this manufacture are staged on this stand, including two of 250 c.c., one sidevalve, and one overhead-valve. Both are single-cylinder machines and the overhead-valve models are particularly adapted for sports work. Blackbume engines are fitted throughout and Sturmey-Archer three-speed gear boxes. The transmission is by chain in all models, and both front and rear brakes take effect on the hubs. A B.T.H. magneto is fitted and 26 by 2/ in. Dunlop tyres. A special feature of all models is the new pattern Campion Aero front fork. Campion Cycle Co., Ltd., Robin Hood Street, Nottingham.

CEDOS. Stand 66.

Cedos motor cycles for 1925 have been re-designed throughout, and the two-stroke models are fitted with an entirely new ball and roller bearing engine. The company is specialising in machines for ladies. It may not be well known that the designer of these machines is an old T.T. and competition rider. Cedos Engineering Co., Ltd., Nothampton.

CONNAUGHT. Stand 69.

The smallest Connaught motor cycle is the 21 h.p. two-stroke model which is now priced at 435 los. It has a three-speed gear box, clutch and kick-starter, 26 in. wheels and chain-cum-belt transmission. The same model equipped with B.T.H. lighting set costs 441 xos. The standard has an all-chain transmission,

is fitted with extra large expanding hub brakes to both wheels, and costs 442 xos. This model also can be had equipped with B.T.H. lighting set for a further 46. Other models, including the 3i h.p. two-stroke solo machine and another of the same type built as a De Luxe combination. Of most interest to readers of this journal is the 3.5 h.p. sports model four-stroke, which costs 447 los. There is a Connaught-Blackbume model with 21 h.p. side-valve engine of that well known make, and another of the same power, fitted with a Bradshaw engine. The most expensive model is the Connaught-Bradshaw combination, with frosted aluminium sports sidecar, the price of which is 475. The J. E. S. Motor Company (Gloucester), Ltd., Witton Lane, Aston, Birmingham.

COTTON. Stand 18.

The feature of the Cotton motor cycle is the unusual design of the frame, which is a triangulated structure, designed in accordance with knowledge of the mechanical principles. It is claimed that this frame affords greater strength than the standard diamond frame, while being much lighter, that it maintains the wheel alignment definitely, and that it is particularly suitable for ladies’ use. The Cotton machine has been very successful in trials, and won the Junior T.T. last year.

For 1925 the chain-cum-belt model has been dropped, and the smallest machine is the 2/ h.p. Blackburn.e-engined motor cycle, which is equipped with three-speed gear, clutch and kickstarter, and with a final drive by chain. The sports model has a Blackburne sports engine, which is claimed to be capable of very high revolutions, affording a speed of from 70 to 75 m.p.h. The engines of these sports models are forwardly inclined, thus affording a lower centre of gravity and improving stability at corners.

Examples of all models are on view on the stand, and it will be noted, in comparing these with last year’s models, that heavier type mudguards are fitted with magneto shields and silencers on the O.H.V. models, while what is not apparent to the observer is the heavier gauge material used for the tank. The Cotton Motor Company, Gloucester.


The most interesting exhibit on this stand is undoubtedly the flying 8, which has just created a whole sheaf of records. But it will be observed many improvements and alterations have been made since we last saw it at Olympia. Amongst these may be mentioned the incorporation of a torque tube from head to engine and from rear fork ends to engine. The frame is looped right round the engine and 8 in. internal expanding brakes are fitted to both wheels, with interchangeable parts. Both hubs have taper roller bearings and the saddle fitted is a Terry, designed to give an extremely low riding position. A steering damper is fitted as part of the standard equipment, as well as Webb forks incorporating shock absorber. The price of this model complete with 700 mm. by 8o mm. Dunlop cord tyres is 4125. A Lucas Madgyno lighting set is fitted as an extra, for LIZ los; and the machine can be had equipped with an 8-30 h.p. four-cam engine for a further 412 IOS. Other models shown range from the xi h.p. two-stroke upwards, and amongst these attention should be directed to the J.A.P. engined 300 c.c. machine. Coventry Eagle Cycle & Motor Company, St. Patrick’s Road, Coventry.


Three examples of this well-known make of motor cycle are on view on this stand. There is the 3i h.p. O.H.V. flat twin, which, perhaps, will be the most interesting, as it is an entirely new model. It is shown as a sporting solo machine and stripped for fast solo work and racing. The super-six is also shown in four different forms ; as a solo fully stripped for sports work, and as regards the others, two are equipped with

super-sports sidecars. The other model is the super touring model, and this is shown as a solo machine with dynamo lighting equipment, and as a colonial model with 28 in. by 3 in. extra heavy wheels, greater ground clearance, heavier forks and frame, together with touring sidecar, suitable for the heaviest conditions of motor cycling. The Coventry Victor Motor Company, Coventry.

D. F. & M. Stand 62. motor

A comprehensive range of this company’s motor cycles, some fitted with Villiers engines, and others with J.A.P. engines, is shown on the stand, in sizes ranging from 147 C.C. to 500 c.c. The most interesting, perhaps, is that which is known as the Alec Bennett model, named after that well-known rider, and equipped with 172 C.C. two-port Villiers engine. It may be remembered that a machine of this type was the only two-stroke machine of its type entered in its class in the 1924 T.T., which it won. Another model of interest to readers of this journal is the 500 c.c. sports which has a three-speed gear, clutch, kick-start, and chain drive. The D. F. & M. Engineering Co., Ltd., Diamond Works, Wolverhampton.

DOUGLAS. Stand 37. that there are

It is claimed that there are over 85,000 2f h.p. Douglases on the road to-day, this being the type and size of Douglas machine which was introduced in 1908,16 years ago, and which has ever since been held in high favour by users of motor cycles all over the world. A machine of this type will naturally be one of the outstanding features of the stand, and another model which may perhaps be described as a development from the first one is equipped with three-speed all-chain drive and several improvements, most important of which perhaps is the new exhaust system and silencer which consists of two tubes leading from the cylinder into a large section exhaust pipe with flat end. Visitors to the Show with a knowledge of Douglas machines will note many detailed improvements. The luxury model of the Douglas range is the Goo c.c. overhead valve model, with long stroke engine. Its frame is designed on the same lines as that of the T.T. winner, and grease lubrication is used throughout. Special interest attaches, so far as readers of this paper are concerned, to the 1925 I.O.M. model. This is an exact replica of the T.T. winner and for those who want racing it is the mount. The Douglas sidecar chassis has been entirely re-designed. The sports body is worthy of special attention and has an adjustable seat. It is, in addition, graceful and pleasing in outline. Douglas Motors, Ltd., Kingswood, Bristol.

DUNELT. Stand 109. The exhibit of this is un

The outstanding exhibit of this company’s products is undoubtedly the new sporting solo model. The engine follows the usual Dunelt design, except that several modifications have been introduced in order to reduce its over-all height. It has been found, for example, possible to shorten the connecting rod without any untoward effect. The cylinder head is aluminium, being clamped in position by three bolts hinged to the crank case ; it is therefore quickly detachable. The double-diameter piston is of aluminium with bronze gudgeon pin bosses. The engine is housed in a sloping position in a neat and rigid frame. The tank is split vertically on the centre line, the halves being bolted underneath and held together on top by a line of vertically disposed screws. Dunford & Elliott (Sheffield), Ltd., Bath Street, Birmingham.

D’YRSAN. Stand -Mb.

The D’Irrsan cyclecar was fully described in our last issue. It need only be stated here that it is a three-wheeled machine of unusual design, having a four-cylinder water-cooled engine, of 750 c.c. capacity, with a tubular frame, built on car lines, and having two brakes, one on the front wheels, and one on a countershaft, thus doing away with the need for removing brake connections when it is desired to get at the rear wheel. Trailers, Ltd., 73-74, Windsor House, Victoria Street, London, S.W. r.

EXCELSIOR. Stand 32. & a line for the

Bayliss, Thomas & Co.-are making a special line for the coming season of the 350 c.c. overhead-valve Blackburne engine combination which is being supplied either as a solo machine, as a sports combination, or as a touring combination. Amongst other models of which a complete range from i h.p. to 4i h.p. is exhibited, the following improvements and modifications on the previous year’s model will be noted. On the z h.p. machine better mudguards are fitted, while the rear brake imechanism has been entirely re-designed and strengthened. The De Luxe model for ladies is now fitted with all-chain drive, while the 2& h.p. two-stroke machine has a re-designed frame giving a very low

riding position and improved appearance. Other modifications too numerous to mention are incorporated in the design of the other machines which are exhibited. Bayliss, Thomas & Co., King’s Road, Tyseley, Birmingham.

F. N. Stand 102.

There are four examples of the 8 h.p. four-cylinder F.N. shown, as well as a like number of the smaller, 21 h.p. singlecylinder machine. Both types are shown as solo machines and as combinations. The 2f h.p. is shown with a special sports sidecar, and also with a super sports sidecar. It is worthy of note that balloon tyres are to be fitted as standard on the larger machine. F. N. (England), Ltd., Kimberley Road, Willesden Lane, N.W. 6.

GRINDLAY. Stand 45.

Grindlays make five models, in three powers. The smallest, the 2f h.p. machine, is made as a sports model with Barr and Stroud sleeve-valve engine of 70 mm. and 90 mm. bore and stroke, also as a sports model, with overhead-valve J.A.P. engine of the same bore and stroke, and as a super-sports, also with an overhead valve engine, but 74 mm. and 8o mm. bore and stroke. In. the model the pistons are of aluminium, and the ports are carefully streamlined. The other two models are the 3f h.p., with single cylinder 500 c.c. engine by Barr and Stroud, and an 8 h.p., also Barr and Stroud, with twin cylinders of 998 c.c. Grmdlay (Coventry), Ltd., Spon End, Coventry.

H. R. D. Stand 60a.

The initials H. R. D. stand for Howard R. Davies, who, in conjunction with one of the foremost designers in the trade, is responsible for the design, which is the outcome of his own personal experiences on road and track. Four models are made, two of 350 c.c., and two of 5oo c.c. In general, the design of these machines may be said to follow orthodox lines, but there are several features which depart to some extent from previous practice, and. the attention of the visitor to the show is drawn to them. The design of the frame is one point, and that of the rear mudguards, which are hinged and quickly detachable, is another. A saddle tank is fitted with a capacity of two gallons. The oil tank is separate, and is mounted on the down tube. The foot rests are adjustable, and so also are the handle bars, which are designed to incorporate the lamp bracket. H.R.D. Motors, Ltd., Heath Town, Wolverhampton.

HENDERSON. Stand 77.

Considerable reductions have been made in the price of Henderson four-cylinder motor cycles, and., in addition, certain additions have been made to the standard equipment which is furnished at the catalogue price. The Henderson is built for all the world like a high-class car, and it runs and acts just like

one too. The cylinders are of 2 ii /16 in. bore, and 3i in. stroke. Side-by-side valves are fitted and the pistons are die-cast of a special alloy. The crank shaft is a four-throw one, with balanced cranks, as in car practice, and all bearings are babbitlined bronze. A special Zenith carburetter provides the mixture, and the ignition is by high tension magneto, not from the electric lighting dynamo, which is a separate unit altogether. The gear box provides three speeds, and the final drive is by roller chain. Balloon tyres, 27 in. by 3.85 in. are fitted as standard. Amongst this machine’s sporting performances may be mentioned a 24 hours’ continuous run on the Tacoma Speedway (America), during which it covered 1562.54 miles at an average speed of 65.1 m.p.h. Melchoir, Armstrong & Dessau (London), Ltd., 11 1-113, Great Portland Street, London, W. I.

HUMBER. Stand 26.

A Humber motor cycle of vintage 1902 is shown on the special stand devoted to historical machines, and it is worth inspection prior to seeing those of 1925, in order that due appreciation of the immense strides which have been taken in the interim may be acquired. For 1925 two models are listed, the ” Six days” and the Model de Luxe. It is of interest to compare the differences between the two. On the six days’ model lubrication is by hand pump. A hand pump is also present on the other, but it is there for emergency use only, a mechanical pump being provided to take care of the lubrication under ordinary running conditions. The de Luxe has a B. and B. carburetter, the other has an Amac. The de Luxe model has larger tyres, and better weather protection than the other. Substantial reductions in price have been made, as is exemplified in the ” Six-days ” which, formerly 455, is now only 447 los. Humber Ltd., Coventry.

INDIAN. Stand 48.

A new model Indian, having a single-cylinder engine of 350 c.c., is being introduced for 1925. It has a detachable head, enclosed valve springs, gear driven magneto, hand and mechanical lubrication, and a separate dynamo, which is chain driven. Twist grip control is embodied, the right for the ignition, and the left for the throttle. A three-speed gear box is fitted, and the transmission is by chain. This model is to be known as the Indian Prince, and its price, completely equipped, is 462. The 596 V-twin has been modified in certain particulars, notably in the fitting of a detachable head to the cylinders, and in the alteration of the design of the cam, which has so improved the gas distribution that an increase of 20 per cent. in the power of the engine is claimed. Balloon tyres are standardised on this model, 27 in. by 3.85 in. Indian Motocycle Co., 366-368, Euston Road, London, N.W. I.

JAMES.. 49.

A new James model or 1925 is the overhead valve 350 c.c. machine, which has an engine of 73 mm. by 83.5 mm. In general it follows closely the lines which are familiar to all users of J ames machines, in all particulars excepting those relating to the engine. The latter has extra large valves, which are inclined, and held on to their seats by two concentric springs per valve. The valve gear rocker brackets are bolted to the cylinder head which is, of course, detachable, and the rockers themselves are

of steel, and are mounted on roller bearings. An aluminium piston with domed head is used, and considerable ingenuity has been exercised in reducing the weight of the reciprocating parts. During the coining season the twin James is only going to be sold as a de Luxe model. Slight modifications have been introduced into the 499 c.c. twin sports model, but the 349 C.C. side-valve model remains practically unaltered. James Cycle Co., Ltd., Greet, near Birmingham.

LEVIS. Stand 51.

Model K is a new design throughout, and is intended for sidecar work. It has a 247 c.c. engine, all chain drive, Burman three-speed gear box with clutch and kick-start, 24 in. and 26 in. wheels. The model T.3, of 211 C.C., is very similar to that model of the same engine capacity which was on this firm’s programme last year. The drive is a combination of chain and belt, a Sturmey-Archer three-speed gear box, with clutch and kick-starter being fitted. Butterfields Ltd., ” Levis” Works, Ste chford, Birmingham.

MATCHLESS. Stand 52.

The most interesting of the many interesting models on this stand is the new 347 all-weather machine. The whole of the mechanism is entirely enclosed in a simple and efficient manner. A couple of wings have been attached to the leg guards which are already a familiar feature of Matchless touring models, and these, with a couple of extra side shields, are all that is necessary. Lubrication of all 1925 Matchless engines is now by mechanically operated pump. A new silencer has been introduced, and is claimed to be remarkably efficient. Larger brakes and hubs have been fitted to the overhead camshaft model, while the chief alteration to the 591 C.C. single-cylinder machine is the fitting of a decompressor to the engine. H. Collier & Sons, Ltd., 44, Pluinstead Road, London, S.E. 18.

MATADOR. Stand 121.

Matador motor cycles are made in three models, but the engine size remains the same in all three, being of 349 c.c. One model, referred to as the semi-sports de Luxe, is equipped with a Bradshaw engine, and the same motor cycle is used as the power unit of the passenger model, known as the Combination de Luxe. The third model, the super-sports, has an overhead valve Blackburne engine.


The prices of all Montgomery Soo c.c. models have been reduced, the reduction, in the case of the combination, for example, being £12. The prices of the other models remain as before. All models, except the lightweight machines, have mechanical oiling, shock absorbers fitted as standard to the front forks, and large tyres. A full range, both of motor cycles and sidecars, is shown on the stand, the former ranging from the 175 c.c. lightweights to the 8-38 h.p. Anzani-engined machines. A special feature is being made on the passenger models of the Montgomery Goulding Floating Axle, which, it is claimed, marks a new development in sidecar construction. W. Montgomery & Co., Leicester Causeway, Coventry.

MORGAN. Stand 53.

No fewer than ten models of the Morgan cycle car are being shown on this stand, including the famous Aero model, which, fitted with the O.H.V. Blackburne engine, has performed so well both on road and track during the past season. This machine, as turned out from the works, is capable of a speed of over 70 m.p.h., and, when specially tuned, can do 95 miles per hour, as has frequently been demonstrated on Brooklauds track. Morgan Motor Co., Ltd., Malvern Link.

NER-A-CA R. Stand 93.

Model B, of the Ner-a-Car, has been considerably modified since last we saw it at Olympia. The flywheel magneto is discarded, and its place is now taken by an ordinary h.t. magneto, which affords easier starting. A steel flywheel is now fitted, which increases the efficiency of the disc driving gear. The price has been reduced from 457 Jos. to 450. The new model C, has a Blackburne engine and Sturmey-Archer three-speed

gear box. Provision is made for the adjustment of the driving chain, and a Best and Lloyd oil pump is part of the standard equipment. Sheffield Simplex Co., Canbury Park Road, Kingston-on-Thames.


.There are few modifications in New Imperial machines for 1925. the principal one, which is applicable to all models, being the employment of the Best and Lloyd Mark II oil pump, which is adopted because it proved so reliable during the Is.T, races. The principal New Imperial model is, of course, the 350 c.c. machine which is offered in a range of types. Each embodies a three-speed gear box and dryplate clutch. Internal expanding brakes are fitted to both wheels, and the transmission on all models of this size is by chain, incorporating a shock absorber on the engine shaft. Of the three 350 c.c. models, the most interesting is of course the sports model. Another New Imperial of the same class is the super-sports, with a bore of 74 thm. and stroke 8o mm., which has the J.A.P. two-port engine. Druid forks and shock absorbers. New Imperial Cycles, Ltd., Princip Street, Birmingham.

NORTON. Stand 58. Nortons are for the on machines

Nortons are concentrating for the coming season on machines of 31 and 4 h.p., for solo and sidecar use. The big four has been slightly modified, and is now fitted with a larger diameter brake, of the internal expanding order. Its price is to be )670. The highest priced model is the overhead valve speed model, which is to cost 480. Norton Motors Ltd., Bracebridge St., Birmingham.

N. U .T. Stand 125.

Improvements in 1925 model N.U:T. motor cycles comprise better balancing of the engine, re-designed valve and cam gear, and enclosure of the exhaust valve lifter gear which will be operated in conjunction with the kick-starter. All these things make towards a quieter running engine. The inlet and exhaust pipes are now clamped to the engine, and the silencer has been re-designed, improving its silencing properties, but allowing the power of the engine to be increased. Adjustable foot rests are now fitted, with a radius of three inches, giving a ground clearance which can be varied from 5.1 in. to xi in.. The wheels are quick-detachable and are interchangeable ; both are fitted with internal expanding brakes. Provision is made for altering the gear ratios by changing the rear wheel sprocket, and by this means the top gear can be varied from 3.88 to 4.76. Hugh Mason & Co., Ltd., N.U.T. Works, Derweuthaugh, near Newcastle-onTyne.

NIMBUS. Stand 88a.

This is an unorthodox machine, of Danish manufacture. It has four cylinders with car type crank shaft, clutch and gear bcx, all mounted as one unit. The transmission to the rear wheel is by propeller shaft and bevel gears, all of which are totally enclosed and running in oil. The petrol tank is a part of the frame, being merely the top tube enlarged, and the front forks embody a shock absorbing spring. Fisker & Nielson, Ltd., Peter Bangsvej 30, Copenhagen.

0.E.C.-BLACKBURNE. Stand 17.

The O.E.C. new model, of io h.p., will undoubtedly be the attraction on this stand. It is a super-sports, having an ingenious duplex frame, consisting of two tubes running direct from the head to the rear fork ends, and two more running to the rear fork ends again. The gear box is suspended independently in the chain stays. A novel feature is the arrangement of the magneto drive, which is by skew gears, which makes for longer life, quieter running, and a more compact power unit. A complete range of models is shown, including the 21. h.p. overheadvalve sports model, and the 5-7 h.p. racing machine. The Osborn Eng. Co., Ltd., Lees Lane, Gosport, Hants.

OMEGA. Stand 13.

Special attention should be directed to the Model I. This has a J .A.P. engine of 293 c.c., and is equipped with M.L. magneto, B. and B. carburetter, Sturiney-Archer three-speed box, Renolds all-chain drive, mechanical oil feed, and Clincher tyres, 26 in. by 21 in. At its price of £38 15s. it is good value for money. Other models include a 350 C.C. machine with over

head valve J.A.P. engine, one with a Bradshaw power unit, and another with a Barr and Stroud. Yet another of the same engine capacity has a J.A.P. side-by-side valve engine, and another is a two-stroke machine. W. J. Green, Ltd., Omega Works, Coventry.

P. & M. Stand 108.

The I’. and M. Panther has undergone considerable modification since last year, the principal alterations being enumerated as follow. Dunlop cord three inch tyres are standard, as are Webb forks with integral shock absorbers and special handlebar clips, enabling the stein to be dispensed with. The exhaust pipe is now brought out at right angles to the cylinder head, giving increased power, better petrol consumption, and a cooler engine.. The gear control has been simplified, and internal expanding brakes are now fitted to both wheels, those at the rear being eight inches in diameter. A decompressor is fitted, and the magneto coupling has been modified to allow of easy alteration of the timing. The price remains the same as before, £75. A modified Panther, to be known as the Cub, is to be marketed during the coming .season. It has 2 in. tyres, smaller mudguards, and a silencer which conforms to Brooklands regu

lati011S. Its price is 472 IOS„ or, with a sp:1.21 of 75 .n.?.h. guaranteed, 480. The side-valve model remains unaltered, except as to price, which has been reduced to 470. Phelon & Moore, Ltd., 77, Mortimer Street, London, W. 1.

P. & P. Stand 95.

The most interesting of the many models on this stand is the 8-45 h.p. overhead valve model, the specification of which includes 28 in. by 3 in. cord tyres, B.T.H. magneto, mudguards without valances, long exhaust pipes, special petrol tank, special bars, with twist grip, steering damper, and B. and D. stabilisers. The carburetter is a B. and B. sports, with two float chambers. The saddle fitted is a Terry. The 8.-30 is very similar in outline specification, but is more of a touring model. Its equipment includes electric lighting. A special eight and sidecar is being made for the coming season, with interchangeable wheels and balloon tyres. Another interesting exhibit is the two-port overhead-valve model, stripped for sports use. There is a dashboard to the tank, and a mechanical oil pump is fitted. Packman & Poppe, Ltd., Moor Street, Earlsdon, Coventry.

PULLIN. Stand 42a.

The Pullin Motor Cycle is almost unique in its design. The object of its manufacture has been that of making it a suitable machine for use by the ordinary man who does not wish to don the usual motor-cyclist clothing. In the Pullin this object has been achieved by the adoption of an open frame of unusual construction, which lends itself to the absolute enclosure of the engine and gear box. The petrol and oil tanks are embodied in the frame, and are of large capacity, the former being able to accommodate 21 gallons, and the latter three pints. The engine is of 348 c.c. capacity operating on the two-stroke cycle. A two-speed gear box is fitted, and the transmission is by roller chain. The Pullin Motor Cycle Co., Ltd., Kingsway House, Kingsway, London, W.C. 2.

QUADRANT. Stand 68.

The 3i h.p. Quadrant has an engine of 79 mm. bore and loo mm. stroke, the cubic capacity being 490 C.C. It has a detachable head, and is fitted with either the Binks or Amac carburetter. The transmission embodies a Burman three-speed box, with clutch and kick-starter, all chain drive, aluminium covers for the chains, and 26 in. by 21 in. tyres. The 3i h.p. combination is the above machine with a light coachbuilt sidecar A 4/ h.p. combination is also standardised, with a single-cylinder engine, 85 mm. bore and ‘Jo mm stroke. March, Newark & Co., Ltd., 45-49, Lawley Street, Birmingham.

RALEIOH. Stand 50.

The latest addition to the Raleigh range of motor cycles is a new 21 h.p. overhead-valve model, which has been designed essentially for speed work. It has a long stroke engine, is equipped with roller bearings in both big ends and. shaft bearings, has an all-drive chain drive and, with its low riding position and ease of control, should be an ideal machine for those who require speed as well as reliability. A new method of lubrication has been patented by the Raleigh Co. It combines the advantages of both the hand pump and mechanical systems, and is extremely simple. One oil pipe only connects the tank to the crank case, and either system can be used independently of the other. There is a hand pump on the tank which is connected by a feed pipe to the inlet of the mechanical pump. A byepass allows the passage of the oil to the crank, when the hand pump is used. Raleigh Cycle Co., Ltd., Lenton, Nottingham.

ROVER. Stand 41.

The Rover Co. have replaced the 250 C.C. model by one of 350 c.c., this having an engine of 74 mm, bore and 8o mm. stroke. A speed of 6o in.p.h. is guaranteed with the standard model, and even this can be improved upon if an aluminium piston be fitted at an extra cost of but 75. 6d. While the engine has been increased in size, it has also, of course, been necessary to strengthen up the other parts of the mechanism and frame. The gear box has been stiffened, the clutch has an extra plate, and the strength of the primary chain has been increased. Generally speaking, the design remains as before, but the overhead-valve gear is now enclosed, as is also the primary chain. Notwithstanding all these improvements, and the increase in power, the price still remains at 455. The Rover Co., Ltd., Meteor Works, Coventry.


The layout of the 1925 four-valve Rudge-Whitworth engine has not altered very much since last year. The cylinder head, with its two overhead inlet valves, and its two overhead exhaust valves, is still detachable. The gear box provides four speeds, and the transmission from engine to gear box and from gear box to rear wheel is still by roller chain in both cases. Features of the frame design are, the stemless handle bars, and the provision of an extra pair of tubes which extend from the rear fork ends and the bottom of the crank chamber. The Rudge is made in two models, of 350 c.c. and soo c.c., the price of the standard machines being 458 and 464 6s. respectively, 45 being added for electric lighting equipment. Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd., Coventry. ROYAL ENFIELD. Stand 55, Improvement in quality, accompanied by reduction in price, is the keynote of the Royal Enfield plan this season. The Sturmey-Archer three-speed box is now standardised on the 21 h.p. models. The standard side-valve model now has an improved silencer, and an internal expanding front wheel brake. The overhead-valve model now has a new type of frame, with duplex saddle tube, which gives a lower saddle position, and is very rigid. Spring fork dampers are provided and a Terry spring seat saddle is part of the standard equipment. A special racing model is now listed, with a two-port overhead-valve engine, two exhaust pipes, and a racing carburetter. The 8 h.p. combination has been entirely re-designed since last show, having a new frame and tank, amongst other things. Either Enfield two-speed gear or Sturmey-Archer three-speed gear is now fitted, and the retail price for the complete outfit is now

490. A sports model is listed too, at 495. The Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd., Redditch.

SCOTT. Stand 91.

The 498 c.c. engined Super Squirrel is the machine which ran second in this year’s Senior T.T., while the 596 c.c. model of the same type, put up the record lap in the course of the previous year’s sidecar race. Both models have the same general specification, the engines having water cooled heads, straight-through induction pipes, and die-cast aluminium pistons. The smaller machine is recommended for fast solo work : the larger is suitable either for that purpose or for combination work. The other model Scott which will be of interest to our readers is the ordinary Squirrel model, which has an engine of 486 c.c. The prices are : 498 c.c. Super Squirrel, 70 guineas ; 596 C.C. Super Squirrel, 73 guineas, and ordinary Squirrel; 63 guineas. The Scott Motor Cycle Co., Ltd., Saltaire, Shipley, Yorks.

SIRRAH & VERUS. Stand 117. There are to be three models each of Sirrah and Verus

There are to be three models each of Sirrah and Verus machines during 1925. Of the former, one is of 21 h.p., with Wiseman two-stroke engine : the second is the same, but with sidecar. The third has a J .A.P. engine of the same power. The Verus models, too, are of 21 h.p., one having a Blackbume engine, and the other two having J .A.P. power units. The most interesting machine to us is the Verus special racing sports model, which has an all-steel frame, and is fitted with a J .A.P. overheadvalve engine of 350 C.C. capacity. Alfred Wiseman, Ltd., Glover Street, Birmingham.

TRIUMPH. Stand 33.

The Triumph range, already comprehensive, has been still further increased by the addition of an entirely new model, the 4.94 h.p. type P. It is a single-cylinder machine, with side-by-side valves. The crankshaft is equipped with a shock absorber which takes the form of a helical cam, which is resisted by the action of a spring, so that all harshness is eliminated from the drive. No alterations have been effected to the 5.50 model, none having been found to be needed. The same remarks apply to the 4.99 h.p. overhead-valve model. The 3.46 h.p. machine embodies an engine, gear box and. clutch, which are built into one unit. Several examples of all models are shown on this stand, as well as of Gloria sidecars. Triumph Cycle Co., Ltd., Coventry.

ZENITH. Stand 89.

A special 8 h.p. racing model, equipped with the new overhead-valve J .A.P. engine, is the most attractive feature of this stand. This is in addition to the Super-Eight Model Sports, with J .A.P. 980 C.C. side-by-side valve engine, Sturmey-Archer three-speed gear, kick-starter, handlebar controlled clutch and mechanical oiler, which remains very nearly the same as it was last year, a slight alteration having been made to the design, so as to afford a lower saddle position. Other sports models on this stand are the 344 c.c. J .A.P. engined model and another new model, of the same capacity, but with two-port engine, special racing duplex frame, saddle tank, and SturmeyArcher gear. Zenith Motors, Ltd., Hampton Court, England.