

A large number of records went by the board at the meeting reported above. Marchant on the Blackburneengined D’Yrsan, established the following. 25 km.15 m. 55 s., equalling 94.24 km.p.h. 50 km.-31 m. 4 s., which is 96.566 km.p.h. 75 km.-42 m. 561 s., which is 104.789 km.p.h. Ioo km.-59 in. 451 S., which is equal to 100.407 km.p.b,. 125 km.—I h. 16 M. 25 S., which is 98.137 km.p.h. Le Vack, in the 350 c.c. race, set up a new lap record of 104.186 km.p.h. and in the 500 c.c. event Richard, on a Peugeot, did the hundred miles in x h. 7 m. 531 s., beating the world’s record of

h. 9m. 1.89 S. Amongst the cars, Gordon England established a world’s record for the Ioo km., which he covered in 50m. 581 s., a speed of 117.712 km p h On Thursday, the 21st, Gordon England again went on to the track for the purpose of record making, in which he was very successful indeed, establishing what are claimed to be new world’s records in twenty different

categories in the class in which the Austin comes. It had originally been intended to make the attempt on the 12 hours’ record, but this was frustrated in part by the weather—it was too misty to make a start in the early hours of the morning—and partly by an unfortunate and trivial mishap to the engine,—the breakage of the valve clearance adjuster pads, of which no spares were available.

The times were as follows :—(r) From a standing start : 5 km.—z M. 35* s. Io km.-4 m. 541 S. 50_km. —23 M. 141 S. 100 km.-46 m. 141 S. 200 km.-2 h. 22 M. 431 S. 300 km.-3 h. 8 M. 2 S. 400 km.-3 h. 52 m. 481 S. 5oo km.-4 h. 42 M. 291 S. 600 km.4 h. 57 m. 371 S. 50 miles-37 M. 16 S. I00 miles— I h. 14 in. 231 S. 200 miles-2 h. 32 in. 401 S. 300 miles-3 h. 45 M. 45 S. In the hour-127 km. 500 m. Two hours-257 km. 500 m. Three hours-38o km. Four hours-515 km. (2) From a flying start One mile-39i S. 5 miles-4 M. 21 S. I0 miles-7 m. 401s.