Donington anniversary year


The 2003 VSCC fixtures list is ambitious. Silverstone in May will be a two-day affair, but the big fixture is at Donington Park on June 21/22. Apart from the two Seaman Trophy events and the Ferrari/Maserati Challenge, Ayrton Senna is to be remembered, with a parade and possibly the car with which he won the 1993 European GP there.

For Donington it is a year of anniversaries: the 70th of the first car race, the 30th of the Donington Collection, and the 65th of Nuvolari winning the 1938 Donington GP. It is hoped that four V16 BRMs may be seen there this year and perhaps also all three of the ex-works-type racing A7s.

John Bailie, Donington’s PR man, would like to hear from anyone who was at the first 1933 race meeting or who knows of any remaining cars that raced there.