Festival photo plea


The Formula Ford Festival, a British motor-racing institution, has been running for over 30 years, and a celebratory book is long overdue.

Together with Kevin Bradley and Motorsport archivist Martin Hadwen, we have already done a great deal of research. However, we are anxious to assemble even more photos and anecdotes, which must abound surely in the desk drawers and minds of Festival competitors, marshals, officials, sponsors and spectators.

Will anyone who has interesting recollections (accurate or otherwise) please get in touch. We can be contacted by ‘phone (Brian Jones 01474 853885, Kevin Bradley on 01484 321762), or by e-mail: FFFestival@brianjones.net

The publication date will, we hope, be in time for the 2003 Festival.

I am, Yours etc, Brian Jones, West Kingsdown, Kent