Thanks for the memories



Having read Motor Sport for just on 70 years, I fed my first letter must start with a heartfelt ‘thank you’ for all the pleasure the magazine has given.

I write, firstly, to agree wholeheartedly with Nigel Roebuck that too little credit has been given over the years to John Cooper, his dad Charlie, and all the enthusiasts that made up the crew. Secondly, as an 80-year-old, I found the Brooklands article fascinating. Again so many memories: in those days I occasionally played thookey’ from school and rode my bicycle to Brooklands. I knew the man in the little box at the entrance, and he would tell me what was going on.

One day the news was that ERAs were testing, so I paid him my week’s pocket money of 6d (lip in modem terms). Just before the entrance turned under the Members Banking, there was a 30mph speed limit disc which was changed to ‘302’ when Sir Malcolm Campbell set a new world record in 1935.

Before I begin to sound like an old man — which would never do! — I will finish where I started, with thanks to all at Motor Sport — all the new guys as well as the older chaps like Bill Boddy and the never-to-be-forgotten Jenks.


A Thomson, Oakham, Rutland