Letters From Readers - Track Diagrams Please, May 2000



I thoroughly enjoyed the second series of Track Tests, but may I suggest for the third series (for hopefully there will be one) you include diagrams with the report. It is easier to appreciate the challenge of these great circuits when you can see how long the straight is or how many hairpins there are.

This time there were no British tracks reviewed. Perhaps you could start the third series at Aintree. The southern Club circuit still exists and is in use for sprints and track days. The northern part of the circuit still exists, as far as I am aware, and there have been murmurs of it reopening to its former glory. Remember this is the circuit that hosted the British GP for a number of years and saw its first British winner, not just some low-key airfield circuit in Sussex!

I am, yours, etc.
Graeme Smith, Macclesfield