Letters From Readers - Klausen's Classics, May 2000



Just a note concerning your article on the Klausenpass. Five years ago a group of friends and I decided to celebrate a birthday at the top of the Klausenpass in our classic cars. Unlike your BMW we took two days to get there with a more relaxed schedule. Like you we were disappointed with the lack of recognition of the sporting history by the town of Altdorf. We arrived on the Saturday and awoke on the Sunday to a very different scene to the one you describe. Altdorf and the Klausenpass were full of every sort of classic car and motorcycle. It was almost impossible to park at the top of the pass due to lack of space. But most amazing was the number of people cycling and walking over the length of the pass. Thanks for reminding me about the place, I would echo your words that it is a real driving experience.

I am, yours, etc.
John Dowson, via e-mail