...and Neville Lloyd



Congratulations on your 75th anniversary issue. In the circumstances it seems almost churlish to criticise, but under the heading ‘Credit Where It Is Due’ I must point out your fine gift of the Aston Martin video came with a glaring error on the box. The original commentaries were not by Neville Hay, as stated, but by the late Neville Lloyd.

A delightful man, Neville Lloyd was one of the best of all commentators and wrote and spoke the words for several of the films made by Shell and BP, Castrol and others during the ’50s. His humour also shone through in his writing, which is why Mike Hawthorn enlisted his help with his books, Challenge Me The Race and Champion Year.

Regarding George F Deane’s query about Professor Robert Eberan von Eberhorst, the original Auto Unions were designed by Professor Porsche. Professor Eberan took over from him when he left to work full-time on the VW project at the end of 1937 and was responsible for the 3-litre Auto Unions of 1938-39.

In 1948 he came to England and worked for Leslie Johnson, who then owned ERA. Johnson had no money, so he hired out the Professor to Jowett, for whom he designed the Jupiter. In 1950 he joined Aston Martin where he designed the DB3, before returning to Germany in 1953. Contrary to what Mr Deane thinks, he had absolutely nothing to do with BRM.

I am, yours, etc. Chris Nixon, East Twickenham, Middlesex