Miscellany, May 1998


The Jowett OC has its 75th Anniversary at Bradford – where else? – on May 22-24. It expects over 100 Jowetts of various kinds to assemble for the occasion, which includes a sprint. Contact Paula Winteringham, on 01274 873 959.

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The VSCC’s May events open to spectators are the Curborough speed-trials near Lichfield on the 3rd and the Flockhart & Seaman Trophies meeting at Darlington Park near Derby on the 31st.

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If you like watching the heavies in action, make a note of this year’s HCVC’s London Run on May 3, the trucks, buses, vans, fire-engines, etc starting from Battersea Park and finishing on the Madeira Drive.

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The VSCC’s John Harris trial involved an entry of 108 cars and 14 observed sections. Outright winner was Barry Clarke (1929 A7), to whom went the Dick Batho Trophy. Class 2 winner was James Diffey (1924 30/98 Vauxhall), who took the Patrick Marsh Trophy.

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That great assembly of Rolls-Royce cars of all kinds will be seen again this year when the R-R EC has its annual concours and rally at Cottesbrooke Park near Northampton on June 7.

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Rentokil inform us that the Vauxhall Vectra racing drivers are being helped to relax with their calm-inducing tropical plants in their motorhome. Perhaps F1 teams would benefit from being surrounded by Leylandii trees?

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The Bentley DC has its Silverstone race meeting on August 8 with mixed, one-make and Bentley-only races.