Red 5 once again



I have enjoyed your magazine for many years since I bought my first copy back in the late ’60s. The end of my subscription is coming up and I doubt whether it will be renewed. I’m fed up with reading all the negative rubbish about Nigel. I think he is more professional than the “snake” Senna and I fully support D B Rees’ views in Readers’ Letters in the March issue, and many others before him for that matter, in his criticism of DSJ and DJT. Just remember how Nigel won his first Indycar race. I enjoyed the race on Eurosport more than many of the F1 races I have seen.

I’m sure that I speak for many, many readers when I ask for a more balanced view on the great British hero “Red 5”, and for reports in Motor Sport from the Indycar races in 1993.

K Friestad,
Stavanger, Norway.