The VSCC at Donington


The second Vintage SCC race meeting of 1981, counting towards the Motor Sport Brooklands Memorial Trophy Contest, will be held at Donington Park on May 10th, a Sunday, although Sunday racing would never have been countenanced at Brooklands. The first race will start at 2 p.m. and the programme will include the Shuttleworth and Nuffield Trophy Race after which the day’s racing is named. This is for pre-war racing cars, over 12 laps from scratch. There will also be the Tim Birkin and John Holland Trophies Scratch Race, over eight laps, for vintage racing cars, a race for vintage sports cars in road-trim, an allcomers’ race and the usual supporting races. All those who enjoy seeing the older motor cars in full cry on this excellent Midlands circuit should have an enjoyable day, unless the Autojumble draws them away. Admission charges are £3.00 for adults, children under 14 free and paddock transfer is £1.50, dogs not admitted — W.B.

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Air Display

That worthy organisation, the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators, is holding a Flying Display on May 24th., at Denham Airfield, where many years ago we attended one of the first meets of the Vintage Aeroplane Club. All the usual items are promised, including ascents by hot-air balloons, parachuting, model aircraft, etc., and there is to be a display of vintage and other cars, probably with Bentleys predominating. — W.B.

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AC News

We hear that AC Cars Limited have vinually completed the transfer of company activities from the Old High Street, Thames Ditton, factory to the newer premises in Summer Road, Thames Ditton, Surrey.

For the time being, the Sales Department for the AC 3000 ME Sports Car now in production, will remain at the Old High Street address, pending the construction of new showroom premises at Summer Road. Information regarding the AC 3000 ME will be supplied and demonstrations arranged by contacting Keith Judd (Sales) on 01-398 5621 or 01-398 0183.

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Eliseo Salazar is, of course, Chilean and not Swedish as implied in the caption to the photograph on page 587.

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Things They Say

“Sports car racing has not much appeal to English crowds. The greatest fun is derived by the competitors themselves, and by those few hardy enthusiasts who cheerfully pay up to inspect anything on four wheels that smells of petrol. To the great body of the public, however, motor racing means out-and-out racing cars, and the brighter the paint the better.” From Speed magazine, 1937. Nothing changes, does it?