A club for British Salmsons


British Salmson owners gathered at the ‘Royal Victoria’ in Waterloo Road, London, recently with the intention of giving their club a boost. The British Salmson Owner’s Club is thus off to a new start with arrangements for manufacture of cylinder head gaskets and other important spares. A meeting on 4th June will elect new officers and committee and will be followed, on June 5th, by participation on a Jubilee rally in the Midlands.

There must be many British Salmson’s lurking in odd corners and Laurie Pratt, who is compiling a list of cars and owners (past and present), will be delighted to hear from any owner or other British Salmson enthusiast: write to him at 70 Dynes Road, Kemsing, Kent.

The club knows of 2 cars in the USA. One of the rare Rolgo six cylinder cars was known to be in Spain some years ago. Within the UK cars are known from Penance to Perth and the club would like to re-establish contact with them all.

Aldershot P.A.M. PERRY