An accident in Hertfordshire


We find that the reference to a Roll-Royce being involved in a fatal accident at Markyate in 1906, quoted not long ago by a St. Albans newspaper, is incorrect.As usual, a Moor Sport reader puts this right. John Fisal of Redbourn has sent at picture postcards of the accident, shown below, in which a passenger in the car, Mr. Charles Preston, and the horse pulling the waggon or trap, died. This unhappy affair occurred on April 30th, 1906, and the car was not a Rolls-Royce but an 18-h.p. Peugeot landaulette, LC 4907. By a curious coincidence, we have received a book, “. . . Of Uncommon Interest.”, by the TV newscaster Richard Whitmore (Spurbooks, 1975), kindly sent to at by another reader, Mr. Morris of Romford, which contains the same two pictures. It is about Victorian and Edwardian life in Hertfordshire and includes a chapter on “The Coming of the Motor Car”. To these readers, thanks.—W.B.