Camargue Enlightenment


Camargue Enlightenment


With reference to your interesting and thought-provoking article in the April edition of MOTOR SPORT concerning the new Rolls-Royce Camargue the enclosed cutting from the Sunday Times Business News Section, March 30th [referring to £7,000 profit per Camargue and Rolls-Royce Motors’ general financial position—Ed.], may throw some light on the question of “rip-off” v. “profitable sales gimmick”. Comparison of the basic price (i.e. before Car Tax, VAT and whatever else our beloved Chancellor has in mind for us) for both cars at the time of writing would appear to be: Camargue £25,000 Corniche E 6,250 £8,750 (Figures from A wow, w.c. 22.3.75) This difference is apparently made up as follows (in round figures) :

Increased Profit Margin Air Conditioning Rebodying, etc. £6,000 i11,350 00 r9%) 14%) 17%) £8,750 (100%)

believe the size of this profit margin merely reflects the present restrictions placed upon Industrial pricing policies. Any increase in Price for an existing product (the Comiche for instance) has to be vetted by the Price Commission. However if a company introduces a “new” product (in this case the Camargue) it IS free to set the price at what the market can stand. It thus appears that Rolls-Royce finding they are unable to increase the price of their existing models, to a “free-market” level, have introduced the new model at a greatly inflated price in the full knowledge that they Qin sell all they make. Why will people spend £30,000 on a current production car ? In a time of 30%

inflation there is no point in saving (after four years the money is only worth half its original purchasing power). In our increasingly Communist country Messrs Foot and Benn will ensure no return from any conceivable investment. Thus if you are fortunate to have such a sum, Spend It!—before comrade Healey lends it to his Bolshevik chums, at preferential rates, to further . . . well who knows what ? Aston Martin ? No they are British and sell to those nasty capitalist Americans. May I take this opportunity of wishing you a speedy recovery from your latest attack of the Penrith, Cumbria G. HETHERINGTON