Activating the AA


Activating the AA


I must write to add my support to your Editorial and to the most recent letters concerning the encroachment upon the private motorist, particularly those in your April issue from Messrs. A. C. Edwards, John G. Norman and H. J. Lawrence.

I, too, have recently received an invitation from the AA to renew my subscription and have wondered just what the organisation is doing for the private owner-driver. Drivers of company cars, numerous as they are, are not really worried by increases in costS of petrol, road tax or repairs and, therefore, cannot be counted on to support the private motorist. Before renewing my AA subscription I have posed the following queries and suggest all your readers belonging to similar organisations should do the same :

I. What are the AA doing to support the private motorist against the current “anti-motorist” attitude of bureaucrats? 2. When oil used by the private motorist as petrol and lubricant is so small a proportion of current oil imports, what is the AA doing to bring this point

continually before Government, to emphasise the owner-driver is bearing more than his fair share of efforts to reduce oil imports, and warning Government about discriminatory legislation against the private motorist?

3. If the Budget should, as rumoured, double Road Tax and add once again to the cost of petrol, what plans have the AA to protest on behalf of the owner-driver, e.g. rallies, petitions (as the SMRC), or lobbying MPs? 4. How many members of organising committees or boards has the AA who arc connected in any way with the automobile industry? If there are any, how does the AA ensure that there is

NOT any conflict of interest between the private motorist, whom the AA are representing, •and the industry and trade? 5. What action is the AA taking to influence insurance companies not to ex

ceed current inflation rates when increasing premiums, and to encourage them to scrutinise repair costs more carefully? 6. What is the AA proposing to do about those local authorities who seem to be set on a path of conflict with motorists by local bye-laws restricting the use of cars and yet not improving public trans

port to and from out-of-town car parks? Finally, I would like to suggest that those ‘of your readers who are owner-drivers, and who have the same feelings as your recent correspondents, get together to start some form of private motorists’ organisation to

counter the present attitude that the private motorist can continue to be penalised. I would be only too pleased to help—HOW ABOUT “MOTOR SPORT” putting volunteers in touch with one another?

Let us all get together to put our point of View and get a fair hearing! If we don’t do something soon we won’t be allowed on the road. London SE9. A. H. NEWMAN