"The Way To Win"


“The Way To Win” by Stuart Turner. 176 pp. 9 in. by in. (Motor Racing Publications Ltd., 56 Fitzjames Avenue, Croydon, Surrey CRO SD)). £3.80)

There can be no quarrel over the right of Ford Competitions Director Stuart Turner to instruct others in the art of winning. A career that has encompassed the foundation of the successful Motoring News weekly rally column Verglas, the heyday of competition at Abingdon (he was BMC’s Competition Manager), the foundation work on Team Castro’ and his current high-ranking Ford position are more than sufficient justification : would that some other “expert authors” were as well qualified !

The Way To Win is handicapped by poor picture and exterior presentation. The text is neat and clear from Seventy Set Ltd. in London, but the photographs, and a particnlarly cliche chequered flag cover, might put potential buyers off.

Although much of Turner’s life has been devoted to furthering the rally Cause, the book’s ten chapters encompass every aspect of our sport. Chapter headings include “Beginners Please”, three chapters to cover rally driving, co-driving and preparation; and an equable three racing sections to describe race management, car preparation and driving hinm. Sponsorship, the role of the accessory trade, and a general introduction to the sport also have separate chapters.

There are so many accurately aimed comments, among them a complete paragraph on the subject of MOTOR SPORT’s D.S.J., concluding with the words : “At any lecture there should be someone at the back of the hall shouting ‘cock !’—I think Jenks has done this very well for our sport”.

Don’t expect great words of technical wisdom from this Turner book, and do not think that there is nothing left for the book to teach you and you will find £.3.80 has been well in vested.—J .W.