The Things They Say...

The Things They Say….

“The World’s energy problems and the consequent necessity to maximise upon the efficient use of existing oil reserves has led to a very high level of demand for diesel engines which, job for job, can be up to 30% more economical than comparable petrol engines”— From a recent Lucas News Release, confirming what MOTOR SPORT has said, and which states that in 1973 some 210,000 diesel cars were built, that Mercedes, Peugeot and Opel built nearly 90% and BL, SEAT, Datsun and Chrysler the remainder, that since then the growth of diesel-engined cars has been at the rate of about 11 im/„ per annum, compared to 5% for petrol-engined cars, and reminding us that there is a favourable differential of 46p per gallon in Italy, 34p in Spain, 32p in Japan and 26p in France in favour of diesel fuel against petrol (the UK figure is 15p).