Vintage cars and the EEC



I will attempt to reply briefly to Mr. Doland’s letter in your last issue. Nothing can prevent an individual country passing such legislation as they think fit whether it concerns cars or anything else. The EEC cannot control such powers but as one of its aims is to encourage the free movement between Members of the Community, the Commission would favour those supporting that aim, not those seeking to restrict it.

In the second part of his letter Mr. Doland is on firmer ground inasmuch as any Committee is open to criticism and the Historic Vehicle Clubs Joint Committee is no exception. We have to decide which of the deluge of regulations shall be opposed and as with all negotiations, it is sometimes necessary to accept less than one would really like on one score in order to secure amendment to some regulation which we consider to be more in the general interest of our members. If anyone wishes to give up his spare time and energy and can do better, he is welcome to try. One thing is certain. If we adopted the attitude of mind so clearly indicated by Mr. Doland, nothing would be achieved except to lose overnight the fund of good will built up over the years by the Committee and its members with both Ministers and Ministries.

James W.T. Crocker, Chairman, Historic Vehicles Clubs Joint Committee. – London, EC3.