
THE Vintage Motor Cycle Club, which now has more than 2,500 members, has two important events pending. The first round of their 1970 National Grass Track Championship happens at Sibley Circuit, Iver, Bucks., at 11 a.m. on May 10th. It is open to pre-1943 machines and might well appeal to those spectators who have not seen this form of racing since the days when the machines which will be competing this month were made.

The 22nd Banbury Run takes place on June 21st, starting from the Castle Gardens Car Park, Banbury, Oxon., at 10.30 a.m. This now-classic event is open only to pre-1931 two- and three-wheelers, divided into four categories, pre-1910, 1910-1914, 1915-1924 and 1925-1930. The routes are arranged accordingly, ranging from 22 to 70 miles, at average speeds of 12 to 24 m.p.h. Entries close on May 15th.

The VMCC agreed, at its 1969 AGM, to admit machines of up to 25 years of age in its post-vintage category and while we regret this creeping lower of the dating of old vehicles, it certainly broadens the scope. The Secretary of the VMCC is E. E. Thompson, 28, Glover Road, Pinner, Middlesex. An excellent printed Club magazine is published monthly, and the Club’s regional branches have, between them, a very full 1970 calendar.—W. B.