Brooklands Society News


The Brooklands Society is becoming active with the approach of summer. The big news is that a Re-Union at the Track will take place on Sunday July 7th (the first race meeting at Brooklands was held on July 6th, 1907), on the lines of the pre-1967 gatherings. As the B.A.C. has requested that the attendance be confined to 100 to 120 persons, this part of the programme will be for Members only. But the traditional tea-party and film-show at the “Hand & Spear,” Weybridge, will follow and Associates will be very welcome to join in at this stage.

Details of this Brookdands Re-Union, which at one stage seemed to be a forlorn hope, appear in the Society News Letter, which has been sent to Members and Associates, together with their membership cards. This also contains details of the Bentley D.C. first-Monday-evening meetings at the “Hand & Spear,” to which Members and Associates of the Society are invited, admission being by membership card, and of a London Re-Union of Brooklands personalities, to` take place at the “Steering Wheel,” 47, Curzon Street, W.1 on the evening of May 24th, commencing around 7 p.m. John Morgan, who for years was organiser of J.C.C. long-distance races at the Track, has kindly permitted the Society to put this on, and it is expected that some special guests of his own, well-known in Brooklands’ days, will attend.

The Society needs additional members if it is to carry out all its plans; Members can be enrolled from amongst those who attended the Track prior to 1940, the subscription being £2, to the end of 1968, and anyone interested in Brooklands can apply to join as an Associate, at a 10s. subscription. Members and Associates who wish to take part in the July 7th Re-Union are reminded that notification is required by May 24th, so that Brooklands admission tickets can be issued to them by the middle of June. The address of The Brooklands Society is: Standard House, Bonhill Street, London, E.C.2.