

I notice-that from time to time you publish refreshing examples of good service from garages. May I add one ?

I had a puncture in a tubeless tvre almost mid-way between Hertford and Stevenage and stopped at Watton Service Station Ltd.. Watton-at-Stone. Here it was discovered that the pin at the end of the starting handle, necessary for lowering the sparewheel easing, had sheared. The spare wheel was extracted by other means and concurrently the starting handle was mended. The tubeless tyre was repaired and it was then discovered that having run on it deflated the valve would have to be replaCed. This, of course, necessitated removing the tyre from the rim and is not all that easy or quick to accomplish. In the meantime I had noticed that a windscreen washer jet was missing. A cheerful but fruitless search was made for a replacement and eventually a new complete set was ean»ibalised for this I me trifling item.

Some fifty minutes later I departed from this delightfully courteous place. The total cost for all this ? Nine shillings and ninepenee.

Harlow. W. J. Borip.m.rota (Major).

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