Garage Service



Being the proud owner of a Volkswagen, I decided to have my 500-mile service done by the Service Station from whom I used to purchase petrol to the tune of over two pounds per week. Having heard so many complaints regarding the poor standard of work found in too many garages in South Wales (I hasten to add, I am a Welshman), I decided to check the work carried out, particularly in view of the following :

Dirty oil mark deposited on rear-seat cover, just fitted two days previously; grease slick on windscreen interior; steering wheel tacky; tyres rotated and left with abnormal pressures all round. Upon arrival at my home I jacked up the car and discovered only the easily reached nipples had been loaded.

The reason for the foregoing is the employment of youngsters who just could not care less. I think this sort of service stinks.

In passing it may be of interest that there is a foreman employed by a main Ford dealer who did not know what a torque wrench was. He has now been educated by one of the few real motor engineers in the Cardiff area.

Any holiday motorists crossing the border are well advised to have their vehicles serviced prior to departure. Perhaps a wheel may drop off, this has happened to me, the cheap labour boy blandly stated he must have forgotten to finally secure the nuts!

                                                                                                                      I am, Yours, etc.,

Aberdare.                                                                                                                    F. H. THOMAS.