Be Fair To The Motorist



I’m sick and tired of people who use their position to have a tilt at the motorist. Your quotation from the Deputy Mayor of Lowestoft is typical of the hypocrisy of such types. These people are quick to generalise on motorists being criminals but they are not above being driven round in swanky limousines by chauffeurs who must of necessity come into the ” criminal ” category— being motorists. The tradespeople and private motorists of Lowestoft must think highly of their Deputy Mayor after this little outburst. A motorist is a motorist whether he drives a trade vehicle, a ‘bus, or a police car.

I suggest that this person exercises a little more care in preparing his next speech and confines his thoughts to improving the lot of the Lowestoft fishing fleet.

Furthermore, all praise to Cheltenham, who not only provide car parks but put the motorist on his honour to pay the fee. So far they have been amply rewarded. Their takings have gone up considerably and now Sheerness is to follow their example. It’s nice to know some people are up-to-date enough to accept the fact that the stage-coach is definitely out.

                                                                                                                               I am, Yours, etc.,

Dagenham.                                                                                                                   Mrs. J. NYE (Motorist’s Wife).