Pierre's Problem - Or Sex And The Sprite



I was somewhat amused to read Pierre’s letter and could not resist the opportunity of refuting what he thinks about a Sprite’s shortcomings! Having been a Sprite passenger, I must admit that for some weeks we were at a loss to know just how one could get really comfortable in the car in question, until my partner (who prefers to remain anonymous) had a practical idea which he quickly put into practice, and for Pierre’s benefit is roughly as follows :

Method.—Loosen the two retaining screws at each side of the base of the passenger’s seat and remove seat back rest, placing same forward on the floor as far as possible between engine cowling and near side. Remove driver’s scat and place on top of the passenger’s scat, thus forming an angle of approximately 30°.

Operation time.—Five minutes.

Result.—Try for yourself and see!

Complete with anti-roll bar qualities, robust independent front suspension, coil-springs and wishbone connections, lever-type hydraulic shock-absorbers, etc. What more could you wish for ?

From my limited experience of sports cars I think that the Sprite rates very highly from sports-car performance to economy in running with adaptability!

Poor Pierre; at 23 years of age he should be making the most of his chances and if my solution doesn’t solve his problem I suggest he turns to Auntie May, who puts the case in a nutshell.

Good luck!

                                                                                                                            I am, Yours, etc.,

                                                                                                                                  ” SHIRLEY ” (22 years old).

                                                                                                                            [Name and address supplied.—En.]