Letters From Readers, May 1961



I note “Pierre’s” complaints of a Sprite’s shortcomings and sympathise with him.

My pre-war Singer gave me much excellent sport of the kind which he favours, for the front seats folded back until they were almost fiat. Alas! With my usual lack of foresight I at last rose to a Lotus IX and, sure enough, the mating call from the 2-in. exhaust produced swift results. But I had not reckoned on the sharp edges of the dash (which cost me a pair of nylons), the handbrake and gear-lever (was Mr. Chapman on the side of Virtue when he sited these ?), and bucket seats which dig one in the ribs every time one leans towards one’s intended prey/companion/ victim.

Please! For the sake of the younger fraternity (yes, and sorority), can someone design a small, yet light, caravan which could be towed at our customary 70-80 m.p.h. ?

                                                                                                                       I am, Yours, etc.,

Belfast.                                                                                                                                                ” MICHEL.”

                                                                                                                       [Name and address supplied.—ED.)