"The Autocar' Road-Tests-Spring 1961."


” The Autocar ‘ Road-Tests—Spring 1965.” 80 pp., 11 1/2 in. x 8 3/8 in., soft covers. (Iillfe and Son Itd., Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.1.   6s  6d.)

In this always-welcome interim book of road-test reports reprinted from The Autocar cars of five nations are dealt with, from Auto Union-D.K.W. Junior to Volkswagen de luxe. Each report covers four pages, and includes a great deal of valuable tabulated performance data and many photographs. From the table of performance data one finds that the fastest of the 20 cars with which this book deals is the Gordon G.T., which achieved 142 m.p.h., the most accelerative over s.s. 1/4-mile the same car, in 15.6 sec., the most economical the N.S.U. Sport-Prinz, which averaged 53-56 m.p.g. The motor world would be a poorer place should these data-laden annuals cease to appear.—W.B.