Book News


R. L. Walkerley is working on a history of the Junior Car Club (now the B.A.R.C.) to come out next year to commemorate the 50th anniversary of this go-ahead Club. A title is sought– ” From Belts to Blowers ” would be appropriate. Lord Montagu has finished the mss. of his fascinating and detailed Jaguar history and this month Cassells publish ” Montlhéry ” which contains details and pictures of many fascinating outer-circuit racing cars, derails of all the record-breaking attempts made at the Paris track, as well as accounts of the many classic long distance races held there. This should be popular with those who enjoyed Boddy’s ” History of Brooklands Motor Course.” Orders are already coming in for Batsford’s ” Sportscar Pocketbook,” due in June, which is full of’ pictures and data of open-air fast cars of all ages and sizes, which will be followed eventually by a similar ” compact ” on racing cars. Botsford also have a motorcycle history on the way and a reader seeks details of military vehicles of the First World War with a view to writing a book about them. We hear that T. R. Nicholson has written another book, an early motoring anthology of the 1895-1914 period.