Jaguars For Russia


Two 3.8-litre Mark 2 Jaguar saloons will soon be leaving Coventry bound for Russia and the British Trade Fair which opens in Moscow on May 19th. This is the first British Trade Fair ever to be held in Russia where Jaguar cars are held in high repute.

Since Jaguar cars are widely used by diplomats of many nations they are a familiar sight on the streets of Moscow. The Fair will provide the citizens of Moscow with their first opportunity not only of examining this world famous car in detail but also of having a demonstration run, for one of the cars will be used solely for this purpose. The stand car carries the name ” Jaguar ” in Russian on its registration plate, whilst the demonstration car bears the registration number UK 101.

In addition to literature, printed in Russian, which has been specially prepared, the Stand will be manned during the eighteen day period of the show by a Russian speaking representative of Jaguar’s Export Department and demonstrations will be given by a Senior Apprentice from the Company’s Experimental and Development Division. [More initiative—Good show Sir William Lyons! ED.].