Who Was Williams?



I have long been fascinated by the absence of knowledge concerning the nationality, history and background of W. Williams who drove Bugattis in the late ‘twenties and early ‘thirties, and it suddenly occurred to me that you might be able to throw some light on the mystery. Most authorities seem hazy as to his nationality and write him off as Anglo-French which may be true but suggests that they don’t know for sure which he was.

My own sources come up with his brief race history as follows:

1927 4th French G.P.—Talbot.

1929 1st Monaco G.P.—Bugatti: 50.23 m.p.h.

         1st French G.P.—Bugatti: 82.66 m.p.h.

1931 1st (with Conelli) Belgian G.P.—Bugatti: 82 m.p.h.

Beyond this I have seen it in print that he was Bugatti’s (chief?) salesman in England around this time. I would be most grateful if you could help me satisfy my curiosity in this matter.

                                                                        I am, Yours, etc.,

Castle Bromwich.                                                                J. R. M. RICHARDS.

[The Bugatti Sales Manager in England, at all events in later years, was the late Col. Sorel.—ED.].