Veteran- Edwardian - Vintage


A Section Devoted to Old-Car Matters


Pomeroy Trophy : A. Doggett (1956 Aston Martin).

Silver Bowl : I. Smith (1960.T.V.R.).

First-Class Awards : A. Twentyman (1960 Aston Martin). L. Durdin (1925 Vauxhall), A. Rippon (1960 Alfa Romeo), R. Pilkington (1960 A.C.), R. Bickerton (1935 Frazer Nash).

Second-Class Awards: G. Daniels (1929 Bentley), C. Clinton (1928 Bugatti), M. Bowler (1929 Riley), P. Binns (1960 Healey).

Vintage fixtures this month include the V.S.C.C. Buxton Road Rally on May 6th, the Ulster Spring Rally on May 13th and the Beaulieu Concours and Tests on May 28th. In addition, the Verwood (Dorset) Vintage and Veteran Rally takes place on the 22nd (details from : R. B. Coles, Westmead, Wimborne St. Giles, Dorset), the Hardwick Manor Charity Fete with old-car parade and Concours on the same day (details : G. F. Catton, Honeytiles, Culford, Bury St. Edmunds), the Elham Traction Engine Rally, also on the 22nd, includes an old-car rally (details : J. J. Lott, Springside House, Lyminge, Folkestone), while on the 27th Tunbridge Wells celebrates its 50th Anniversary with an Exhibition of Horseless Carriages from 1895 onwards (details : G. Nash, 22B, St. John’s Road, Tunbridge Wells). The Chief Constable of Birkenhead, Central Police Office, needs entries for a Road Courtesy Rally and Concours on June 4th.

On May 14th the Coppa Monza vintage-car races happen and at home the main race at the Stanley Sears Trophy Meeting at Snetterton on the 14th will be for vintage and p.v.t. cars, while there will be vintage and historic racing-car classes at the Morecambe C.C. Leighton Hall Speed Hill-Climb on the 28th.

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An old favourite amongst traction-engine rallies, which will include a parade of old cars, is the Andover Rally. This entertainment in a typically English setting, takes place on May 13th at Finkley Manor Farm, the gates opening at 12 noon (details : G. Hurrell, 5, The Crescent, Andover, Hams). Admission 2s., children 6d., car park 2s., motorcycles 1s.

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The Ampthill Gala Week will include a vintage and veteran car rally on a mileage basis, with Concours, on July 1st, entries for which close on May 20th. Details : R. L. Holt, 18, Dukes Road, Ampthill, Bedford.

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The Fiat Register has its ” Concorso D’Eleganza ” in Kensington Gardens on May 28th.

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In conjunction with the Unity of Italy Centenary Celebrations, the Old Piedmont International Rally will take place from September 1st-3rd, open to cars built before 1916 and from 1916-1930. A Regularity Test, apparently at an 18-m.p.h. average, and Concours, are to be held, with various visits, etc., to places of interest. Veteran-class entrants compete for Turin Museum Inaugural Trophy and are offered free hotel accommodation, three official dinners, free petrol and £20 towards expenses. It seems that only the Fiat Register is invited, from this country.

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It is good news that ten veteran aeroplanes owned by R. G. J. Nash are being restored by a group of enthusiastic B.E.A. engineers at London Airport. 

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More requests : K. G. Young, of 199, Barrack Road, Christchurch, Hants, seeks data on the Brooklands Riley Nine, as he hopes to be racing one in next year’s V.S.C.C. events, and M. Graber, 10, Albemarle Street, W.1 (HYD 1021), had such pleasurable motoring from his Clyno tourer, YM 7157, that he hopes to learn of its present whereabouts. 

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Hungry ? Carrs now pack their assorted biscuits in a tin depicting fanciful coloured pictures of 1910 Rolls-Royce, 1906 Franklin, 1911 Stanley, 1903 Vauxhall, 1909 Metallurgique, 1912 Packard and 1907 Locomobile, the biscuits having iced outlines of old cars. Just the job to take to a V.C.C. or V.S.C.C. rally.

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Information wanted: A reader who is restoring a 1928 Swift Ten 2-seater requires literature and spares. A similar request comes from the owner of a rare, circa 1919-20 16-h.p. side-valve Talbot-Darracq saloon which he found in the Barnstaple area and has towed to London for complete restoration. The car was built in Suresnes, is No. DV 37002, and has a dashboard plate reading ” Godfrey Davis, 141, New Bond St., W.I.” For some 30 years this unusual Talbot-Darracq was in a barn, a home for the inevitable fowls; it is completely original down to the screen wiper, and horn, dynamo, starter and all the instruments work, in spite of being covered in filth. The conception of the car is Edwardian and it appears to be an early 1919 model. Any information would be appreciated. Incidentally, the owner apologises for his typing, remarking that he has had but limited experience of driving his “Olympia Buromaschinenwerke A.G. Erfut Mod. 8.” The Editor can say the same of such homework as he does on his possibly later, but ancient, Underwood Standard. . . .

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Cars discovered recently include an Angus-Sanderson car and chassis with some other old vehicles, in Hampshire, and a 1907 Panhard-Levassor landaulette and a 1920/21 Peugeot Quad in the South of France, while a complete 1914/18 P. & M. Panther motorcycle, with original log book but in need of restoration, is for sale at Pateley Bridge. An early 30 cwt. Bedford lorry keeps about a dozen old traction engine company in a yard in Lancashire. There is a pretty sound 1929 Standard Nine fabric saloon on good tyres for sale for a nominal sum in Hampshire if anyone wants a car to restore for this year’s Standard Register and S.S./Jaguar Beaulieu Rallies, etc., and we hear that a 1935 Siddeley Special, laid up throughout the war and again since 1948 (mileage 14,153), is for sale near London. Then, in Sussex, there is a sound Austin Twelve, sans tyres, at a breaker’s and some Edwardian spares including 1911 Singer parts, Trojan engine, b.e. tyres and wheels from an “Aero ” Morgan. a 12-cylinder aeroengine magneto, R.-R. pressure gauge, 2-cyl. Renault magneto and possibly twin-cam 3-litre Sunbeam chassis parts.

A 1938 Talbot 105 Carlton d.h. coupe is rotting away in Birmingham and a barn near Bristol contains a Long Eighteen Armstrong Siddeley tourer needing restoration, of which only 100 were made. Letters can be forwarded to our informants.


Fleet Carnival, Hampshire, will include a Concours d’Elegance for cars of all ages and types, including vintage and veteran vehicles, embracing historic commercial vehicles, London-type taxis and steam traction engines, etc. There will also be scooter and motorcycle classes. Every competitor arriving by zero hour on June 18th will receive a plaque, apart from the prizes offered in the various classes. Entry forms from Councillor Mrs. Winifred Boddy, Carmel, Wood Lane, Fleet, Hampshire. Entries, at 5s. per class, close on May 31st. There will be a special award for the smartest lady and accompanying vehicle.