R.A.C. Motor Sport Year Book 1961


We would be pleased if readers and those who complain to us about the non-appearance of the R.A.C. Year Book for 1961, and keep asking for a publishing date, will kindly note that we have nothing to do with the publishing of it. This confusion because of a title so near to that of our journal could so easily be remedied and we do not know why the R.A.C. Competitions Committee do not call it the “R.A.C. Year Book of Motoring Sport 1961,” unless they do not mind the confusion. A ‘phone message on April 21st to the Competitions Department for information as to a possible publishing date was met with the usual reply, ” We don’t know.”

If Club Secretaries will co-operate by returning, before the 15th, the monthly MOTOR SPORT inquiry cards, correctly completed, our fixture list will be authentic up to the day of printing, making the Year Book unnecessary for this to our readers.