

Since writing you in January with reference to the Prinz 30, I have been able to fulfil a long-cherished dream and buy a 1055 3005I, as a ” second car,” and I ant now busy making ttp a relative log of journeys made with the Heinkel 200, the N.S.L. Pritec 30, and now tI. 300SL. I perhaps should mention that the 300SL has been through the service department at Brent ford and any Work that they considered necessary has been carried out, so that the car, which has the 3.4 :I axle, is representative. Fuel consumption, carefully checked, averages 21.8 tn.p.g.

Seeond car ” is the correct term; the Prinz is the working car and has now used 200 gallons in covering 9,284 miles. There is equal wear on all four tyres, which have never been Changed round; in fact, the wheels have never been off. So much tread pattern is still evident that I estimate the wear as less. than 60 per cent., while the equal wear is a proof of the claimed equal weight distribution. Oil consumption is still nil between changes at 2,500 miles. The only adjustment so far is. to plug points, which seems to be critical at .025 in.

How does this compare with your ” Minibrie ” ? Also, I shoeld like to see. Richard Ansdale’s classification of the -300SL, which I should think would be well below 50 per cent. I am, Yours, etc.,

Chittlehampton. JOE MELLOR. •