
• • • MORE ON THE RILEY 1.5 Sir, I was interested to read Mr. CoOke’s comments on his second Riley L5. Unfortunately I missed your March issue concerning the road-test of one of these ears; I do, however, have a particular interest in Mr. Cooke’s second 1.5, front the point of view of watching the durability of his as compared with my L5. We both obtained these vehicles from the same supplier during September/Octoberthe garage in question advised Konis and an anti-roll bar. I agree

with Mr. Cooke that these have proved very successful. I was not aware that he had the compression-ratio raised and it does not appear to have enhanced his maximum speed performance.

After I had run the car in its performance was admirable, giving an indicated performance (m.p.h. and r.p.m.) of 93 m.p.h. Having completed 5,000 miles, I made a visit to W. H. M. Burgess Ltd.. S.U. Agents, and had larger needles fitted, two Cooper air cleaners, and the whole arrangement balanced. This treatment transformed the performance of the vehicle to just over 45 m.p.h. in second, 75 in third, and exactly 100 in top. The top speed, however, did not coincide with the rev.-counter, as this was indicating 5,100 r.p.m.. which calculated against the gear ratios should he 100 plus.

Commenting further, I would add that, having done more than 10.000 miles, the tyres fitted appear to be good for at least a further 10,000.

To date the only parts replaced are one fan belt, the original finishing up looking rather like an old boot lace, and a new set of points fitted at 9,000 miles.

I was pleased to see that Mr. Cooke is of the opinion that the front seats are comfortable, but I have found it necessary to purchase a set of ex-R.A.F. safety belts at I5s. per set, for two reasons, the first being that by using one safety belt for the driver I have now found it unnecessary to lean on the steering wheel when cornering at high speed, the other safety belt being used by the front passenger in order to avoid launching him into the windscreen when braking hard.

Summing up, this is the first new car I have ever had and consider it excellent value for money. I have had considerable experience in driving a 1949 l Riley but, whilst I am sorry to see such a good line in design, etc., disappear, the old 14 could not compare with the present 1.5. I am, Yours, etc.,

London, N.W.3. JAMES H. MICHAEL. • • •