


I read Mr. Blanchard’s letter in the March issue regarding his experience with the TR with interest. I, too, have an anti-roll bar fitted, as well as competition dampers and, needless to say, Michelin ” X.” The road-holding of the car is vastly improved. Of course, on rough roads such as cobbles and at

• low speed the ride is not exactly smooth ! In fact, one passenger (not an enthusiast !) inquired whether my springs were broken !

Within 24,000 miles I had two near-side rear wheel bearings go and I understand that this is indeed a weakness of the car. Respecting fuel consumption, mine is a 1956 TR3 with H6 carburetters, I have travelled from London to Pitlochry (466 miles) in a day, largely on the A I. at better than 33 m.p.g., with two up and much camping gear.

One matter I find rather irritating : in hot weather the front suspension squeaks and creaks. Nobody seems to know the cure for this. I oiled the nylon bushes but of no avail.

It may be of interest that I use Lodge HNP plugs and that these are 100 per cent, reliable for both driving through London at an average of 8 m.p.h.(!) or doing a ” ton ” on the autobahn.

Considering how very many TRs there are about and what a thoroughly practical sports car it is, I feel one should read a little more about them in your truly excellent journal. But, above all, keep up your objective road-tests and fair and unbiased comments. MOTOR SPORT seems to be the only periodical Which really sticks up for the motorists. I am, Yours, etc.,

Hayes, Middlesex. R. H. WERNER. • • •